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Author Topic: Bug - Base attack screws up equipping soldiers  (Read 3115 times)

Offline CheeseshireCat

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Bug - Base attack screws up equipping soldiers
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:08:59 pm »
OK, here it is:

I have two bases. 8 soldiers on one, two on another.

I got the base 2 attacked, after which I couldn't have soldiers on base 1 equipped anymore.

Whenever I go to equip screen, be that at any time via craft, or when a base gets attacked, I receive equip options only for the two soldiers on base 2. Now, where it gets even funnier is:

equipping them with whatever stuff actually equips that stuff to soldiers in slots 1 and 2 in base 1. Even if I don't have these weapons on base 1 at all :)

Offline geever

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Re: Bug - Base attack screws up equipping soldiers
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2010, 05:46:31 pm »
OK, here it is:

I have two bases. 8 soldiers on one, two on another.

I got the base 2 attacked, after which I couldn't have soldiers on base 1 equipped anymore.

Whenever I go to equip screen, be that at any time via craft, or when a base gets attacked, I receive equip options only for the two soldiers on base 2. Now, where it gets even funnier is:

equipping them with whatever stuff actually equips that stuff to soldiers in slots 1 and 2 in base 1. Even if I don't have these weapons on base 1 at all :)

Open a ticket on our Bug Tracker with your savegame and ufoconsole.log attached. The location of these is described in our FAQ. Please read Usefull bug reports article on our wiki.


Offline CheeseshireCat

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Re: Bug - Base attack screws up equipping soldiers
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2010, 07:08:35 pm »
I would if that site's scripts actually worked in my phone's browser... As it is, it's the only thing I have 'net access on right now.
Also, I have no idea at what moment I should capture the log?
I can *e-mail* the savegame somewhere, but most upload sites don't exactly work right on my phone, either.