Technical support > Feature Requests

soldier camouflage: change in a single action

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When I can, I do -- I proposed solutions in a few cases. Thing is, the only usable skill I can contribute here is algorithmization. But looking at the source, most of the stuff is undocumented. I have some experience with AIs, as well as other related things, but it is in specialized languages/environments which are hard to translate into structured languages like C which I have next to no experience with.

Still, I have been making notes (have such a habit) regarding what and how can be done differently if I'd handle the same task. I don't know what resources are available, though. A few of the options are dependant on what inputs I can get from the system (FoV, especially altered FoV for example).

I second the demand, even if camouflage is not taken in consideration by the Visibility System yet.
But have it optional, as a checkbox or a toggle button, so that you can have different camouflage if you want so.

Next to the camouflage menu (see screenshot), add a checkbox with a "Same for all" label.

Then, somewhere in the equipment function, add, for example, just before changing soldier and/or before exiting to aircraft screen :
(soldier "k" being the current soldier)

if (camoForAllchecked == TRUE) { for (j++) {soldier[j].camo := soldier[k].camo};}

If the others soldiers are out of range, make the camoForAllchecked a more global variable, and add the line just after returning from the equipment function.

Alternatively, add another property to the object "soldier", then :

if (soldier[k].camoForAllchecked == TRUE) { for (j++) {soldier[j].camo := soldier[k].camo}; soldier[j].camoForAllchecked := TRUE;}

... that's the idea.

We don't have any camouflage for our new soldier models in 2.5-dev. Maybe we'll have them again if we get great camouflage skins for them.


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