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Author Topic: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal  (Read 17907 times)

Offline BloodMagus

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2010, 11:59:02 am »
By the way, have you ever wondered why all our current, modern wireless communication systems operate within the High and Very High frequency range (i.e. "microwaves"), and why we continuously struggle to get even higher? Just a thought...
High frequences are used due to smaller antenna lengths. 3.6GHz spectra allows for tranmission antenna's of ~4cm. You can't go too low either, as to transmit 30Hz (the upper band of ULF) you require a 5000km antenna, hence my remark that ELF communications are physically impossible for something nanoscaled.

And obviously as your frequency goes up, at some point the millimeter waves end up being IR

Offline Kaslak_CG

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2010, 12:36:18 pm »
<1> :o Then *WHY* do it at all?!? What's the point in changing/adding stuff it, if you're not providing any sort of improvement to the overall story, or to certain story elements? Just so you can have some different "bling" words in there, and/or an overly complicated array of details upon details upon details? Who cares about those anyway?!?
Hang on a minute... Is this, perchance, a rerun of the «Pimp My Story» TV-show?
<2> You're absolutely right. I did not get your point at all; and I still don't. So what the hell is wrong with just saying "Roughly [insert some random figure here] years ago"?! (well, as long as the number used makes some sense -- but that's another issue) Why do you feel you need to say more than just that?
<3> This Wiki article explains what "technobabble" means in context: Technobabble (Wikipedia). You should have researched the term yourself -- since it obviously was unfamiliar to you -- rather than making assumptions and getting defensive... until someone points it out to you.
I chose to add the "pseudo-" (Lat. "false") suffix to it because... well, yours is even worse than the normal brand -- proof that, no offence, you don't really know what you're talking about. By the way, have you ever wondered why all our current, modern wireless communication systems operate within the High and Very High frequency range (i.e. "microwaves"), and why we continuously struggle to get even higher? Just a thought...

-LOL "pimp my story" is hilarious, can you immagine the dialogues: "Now, for the villain of the story we added a Nuclear Green closet and a 40'' Tv in his bedroom! whoooo!"... hold on a second... i made the same thing :O, but I enjoyed myself. Well, it's not too late to propose more incisive improvement anyway...
one thing i made, as i pointed out, was eventually to give open possibility for new species, without having to invent a planet for each one. And the "borg-ish" attitude toward assimilation. Maybe, XVI wants to force evolution and create the perfect race. And as the game progresses there may be different kind of challenge. nothing more.

- There is no problem in saying "roughly" by itself. The problem arises when you put two "roughly xxx" that are separated only by 1 year... immagine it about distance measurements. "your car's back is roughly 100.000 m from me and your car's front is about 99.999 m from me" while i know only that you live in a city about 100 km from mine. It's nothing important anyway.

-I knew only "babble" and thinking that "technobabble" wasn't a known term with it's own meaning, I interpreted from "babble". Thank you for pointing it out. About low-high ... i don't know the terminology in the field. In my filed "high" may be referred to X or Gamma ... so MW is still low-frequency. I didn't state the exact frequency range since i have no real experience in communication signals used in current technology.

Very interesting links. Indeed, i thought "Virus" admitted latin plural.

About the antenna... the problem is that antennas are a "classical" device. The best way to work on nanoscale would involve quantum transitions and the control of molecular structures. Currently these are archieved at very low temperatures and for different purposes (for now just studying some base properties, such as the energy level structure, anisotropy, magnetism). I stil have to prepare a basic-level exam on this topic from scratch, so i cannot exactly tell you how things work but have a look at the possibilities exposed in some slides without any technobabble (from Pag 23 it's exalting, although since are slidesthey're not much clear... google more if you are curious). Of course this wouldn't work for my hipotetic technobabble, i pointed it just for curiosity (before somebody start flaming thinking i am trying to connect them)

I may put my efforts in a more gamish proposal, perhaps when i have time i will deepen the solider trait system (including "background traits") i proposed some weeks ago. That would be more useful, wonuldn't it?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 12:47:49 pm by Kaslak_CG »

Offline BloodMagus

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2010, 06:05:38 am »
bout the antenna... the problem is that antennas are a "classical" device. The best way to work on nanoscale would involve quantum transitions and the control of molecular structures. Currently these are archieved at very low temperatures and for different purposes (for now just studying some base properties, such as the energy level structure, anisotropy, magnetism). I stil have to prepare a basic-level exam on this topic from scratch, so i cannot exactly tell you how things work but have a look at the possibilities exposed in some slides without any technobabble (from Pag 23 it's exalting, although since are slidesthey're not much clear... google more if you are curious). Of course this wouldn't work for my hipotetic technobabble, i pointed it just for curiosity (before somebody start flaming thinking i am trying to connect them)

You have no idea what you're talking about. Antenna are not some 'classical' device, they are the only method of transmitting EM at those frequencies. Nanoscale means jack shit. You require the length to fit the wave. Quantum transitions only possible at absolute zero, which is NEVER going to occur in a living person. NEVER. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just accept that the idea doesn't work and move on.

I will say again, you require half the wave length for transmission. There's a way of cheating to get a quarter wavelength, but requires perfectly conducting ground. Magnetic Loop antenna can be at best 1/10th of the wavelength, but you still require antenna in the order of kilometers. So as I said its impossible to transmit ULF, for the same reason as the US and RUSSIA had great difficulty transmitting the higher frequency SLF to their subs.

Offline Kaslak_CG

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2010, 11:33:43 am »

You have no idea what you're talking about. Antenna are not some 'classical' device, they are the only method of transmitting EM at those frequencies. Nanoscale means jack shit. You require the length to fit the wave. Quantum transitions only possible at absolute zero, which is NEVER going to occur in a living person. NEVER. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just accept that the idea doesn't work and move on.

I will say again, you require half the wave length for transmission. There's a way of cheating to get a quarter wavelength, but requires perfectly conducting ground. Magnetic Loop antenna can be at best 1/10th of the wavelength, but you still require antenna in the order of kilometers. So as I said its impossible to transmit ULF, for the same reason as the US and RUSSIA had great difficulty transmitting the higher frequency SLF to their subs.

I have already said that things like that work at very low temperatures, I wasn't anymore talking about living creatures. Are you sure you read before posting? Supposing that you, by writing "QT only occur at only at zero" (which is wrong) meant actually that is possible to use them near zero (they happen always, but if the energy levels are thermally populated irradiating them has no - or minor - useful effect, since you reach soon a balance between absorbition and stimulated emission). At that energy scale they should "work" on the scale of Kelvin. And, i repeat, an external magnetic field messes up everything, at least considering atomic transitions on that scale. And this is not something you want for a technolgy working outside laboratory. So, i know what i am talking about, and we said the very same thing.

The thing i said is different than you interpreted: simply just because there is a limit to antenna possibility, the direction of studies should involve these phenomena, considering the fact that quantum transitions  occur indipendently to the lenght scale (but not ALL possible transitions... if you are curious about the scale length effect look for "selection rules"). There are also some tricks involving multiple-level systems. I am talking about "scientifically possibile in line of principle", you are talking about "technologically possible". If we talk about technology (working devices outside lab conditions) i agree to your viewpoint as you should agree mine regarding to "possible in principle". And i repeat: not applied to living beings, as things stand now.

Ah BTW ... "classical" is not dispregiative, it refers to "classical physics rules". No Quantum phenomena, nor relativistic ones. The good old fashioned (and always working) Maxwell laws are "classical" indeed.

Just accept that the idea doesn't work and move on.

As i said: "Of course this wouldn't work for my hipotetic technobabble, i pointed it just for curiosity (before somebody start flaming thinking i am trying to connect them)"

PS: sorry for the repeated edits this time but i couldn't stay here for much time and i built this message piece by piece.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 05:03:42 pm by Kaslak_CG »

Offline NicAdi

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2010, 10:55:27 am »
High frequences are used [...]
That was a rhetorical question (i.e. I already knew the answer), and not even directed at you – thanks for the answer anyway, as it is the (principially) correct one  :)
One should also be aware that, on top of the physical constraints on the size of antenna to be used for such low frequency communications (as it was suggested initially), one would have to deal with both reduced bandwidth and (possible) noise interference issues as well...

<1a>-LOL "pimp my story" is hilarious, [...]
<1b>-Maybe, XVI wants to force evolution and create the perfect race.

<2>- There is no problem in saying "roughly" by itself. The problem arises when you put two "roughly xxx" that are separated only by 1 year... immagine it about distance measurements. "your car's back is roughly 100.000 m from me and your car's front is about 99.999 m from me" while i know only that you live in a city about 100 km from mine. It's nothing important anyway.

<3a>-I knew only "babble" and thinking that "technobabble" wasn't a known term with it's own meaning, I interpreted from "babble". Thank you for pointing it out.
<3b>-About low-high ... i don't know the terminology in the field. In my filed "high" may be referred to X or Gamma ... so MW is still low-frequency. I didn't state the exact frequency range since i have no real experience in communication signals used in current technology.
<3c>-Very interesting links. Indeed, i thought "Virus" admitted latin plural.

<4>-About the antenna... the problem is that antennas are a "classical" device. The best way to work on nanoscale would involve quantum transitions and the control of molecular structures. Currently these are archieved at very low temperatures and for different purposes (for now just studying some base properties, such as the energy level structure, anisotropy, magnetism). I stil have to prepare a basic-level exam on this topic from scratch, so i cannot exactly tell you how things work but have a look at the possibilities exposed in some slides without any technobabble (from Pag 23 it's exalting, although since are slidesthey're not much clear... google more if you are curious). Of course this wouldn't work for my hipotetic technobabble, i pointed it just for curiosity (before somebody start flaming thinking i am trying to connect them)

I may put my efforts in a more gamish proposal, perhaps when i have time i will deepen the solider trait system (including "background traits") i proposed some weeks ago. That would be more useful, wonuldn't it?
<1a> - Yes, well... it was supposed to be hillarious (towards 'ridiculous', even). I was also trying to make the point that the storyline will not benefit greatly from over-complicated (yet uninformed) 'pseudo-explanations'.
<1b> - Highly unlikely. The way the current storyline has been envisioned, XVI simply wants to expand its domain, by acquiring more and more hosts – and it's not even picky about them !...

<2> - OK, you do have somewhat of a point here, although I'd say you delve way too deep in semantics... That would rightfully justify merging the first two entries into a single one, but I *STILL* fail to see why should you add that extra "subsequent years" line there! It's just a pretentious and utterly needless artifact...

<3a> - Well,... now you know. :)
<3b> - Fine. Nobody knows everything, that's a fact well understood. But you could have documented yourself, couldn't you?
<3c> - As I said, pretty common mistake. I've almost commited it myself; luckily, I do have the habit of checking my assumptions, before acting on them. ;) If this episode proved anything, is that it is a very good habit to have (thus it shall be further reinforced)...

<4> - Well, on the same line of reasoning, the problem is that you proposed a "classical" means of communication in the first place, i.e. through radio waves – which just so happen to go together with a "classical" transmission/reception device, such as the antenna. :D
I don't think quantum phase transitions are a much better idea either – the main reason, as already stated, being the rather difficult conditions in which they can be achieved. However, like the next "mortal", I do love Quantum Theory; so how about quantum entanglement, then (as a means of communication)? ;)

Offline Kaslak_CG

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2011, 09:21:44 am »

<1b>- Highly unlikely. The way the current storyline has been envisioned, XVI simply wants to expand its domain, by acquiring more and more hosts – and it's not even picky about them !...

<3b> - Fine. Nobody knows everything, that's a fact well understood. But you could have documented yourself, couldn't you?

<4> - Well, on the same line of reasoning, the problem is that you proposed a "classical" means of communication in the first place, i.e. through radio waves – which just so happen to go together with a "classical" transmission/reception device, such as the antenna. :D

-I know, and that is the problem in my opinion.

-The notation I used about High-Low isn't incorrect. Just it's part of a broader field of study. My guiding principle was to assume the greater scale when not expressed.

-I wasn't referring necessarly to Quantum Phase Transitions, just quantum transitions, anyway the thing you said about the difficult conditions is correct as we stated before.

-these frequencies can excite atoms (and these are quantum transitions). Not regular levels on the n quantum number but other such as Hyperfine.

-The idea of entanglement is fine, it should be taken into consideration. However i think that the "difficult conditions" issue regards also the entanglement. We can assume they have been overcame by the aliens anyway.

Just to clarify :D

« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 12:58:52 pm by Kaslak_CG »

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2011, 10:59:35 am »
Uh, excuse me, but what exactly is this discussion thread about?  What's the main point?

Glancing at parts of the posts (I admit I haven't read all of everything here, too many complicated terms, and much of it is brain-melting material anyways) I see a lot of back and forth debate that has gone into what I believe is referred to as "Ad Hominem" arguments - Where people on all sides are not responding to some of the points expressed but instead picking on the use of terminology and the grammar used by others.  This has brought the discussion from what was already a bad idea in the original first post (more about that in a sec) all the way to something obscure and contrasensical** that I can't identify at all.

I'm wondering if this thread should be locked and shuttered.  It doesn't seem to have any real purpose or meaning at this stage, glancing at the most recent posts, and was doomed to begin with.

The reasons it was bad to start with:

- This game is a game, not an upwards-of-a-thousand-pages science fiction novel.  The plot is supposed to be rather simple, and shouldn't be expanded to death.

- The storyline/plot is already established and is pretty much finalized.  Changing or revamping anything would mean backtracking in development and/or adding a lot more work for the devs.

- We don't really need more ideas, concepts, or additional story, we already have all the general planning done, are past the early planning stage, and at this time really need artists, people who can make maps and content, and people who can program.

- "open source" does NOT mean "open development" where anyone - especially a newcomer - can come along and be a "boss" by changing stuff, and expect everyone else to revamp stuff and make it all happen in the game, doing all of it *for* such a person.

- Related to the previous point, long ago when this project was new it suffered from this, as many people would come and go from the project, changing and revamping all kinds of things left and right, almost at random as everyone wanted something different, creating a chaotic mess.  I myself wasn't actually around during this, but I've been here long enough to have heard about this.

- The existing storyline is *good enough*, at least for a game, and as such it doesn't need to be re-opened or changed.

(** Yes, I said "contrasensical."  If you don't like that word, or don't like my English or grammar, tough shit - I don't care, and I'm not an English major.  That being said, when any of you respond to this post, I just ask that you respond to my main points I've made, and not make it about my choice of words, which is what I see a lot of in this thread.  Too much of this thread has gone into the realm of the absurd, and then beyond that.)

Offline Kaslak_CG

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2011, 12:43:00 pm »
Uh, excuse me, but what exactly is this discussion thread about?  What's the main point?

Glancing at parts of the posts (I admit I haven't read all of everything here, too many complicated terms, and much of it is brain-melting material anyways) I see a lot of back and forth debate that has gone into what I believe is referred to as "Ad Hominem" arguments - Where people on all sides are not responding to some of the points expressed but instead picking on the use of terminology and the grammar used by others.  This has brought the discussion from what was already a bad idea in the original first post (more about that in a sec) all the way to something obscure and contrasensical** that I can't identify at all.

I'm wondering if this thread should be locked and shuttered.  It doesn't seem to have any real purpose or meaning at this stage, glancing at the most recent posts, and was doomed to begin with.

The reasons it was bad to start with:

- This game is a game, not an upwards-of-a-thousand-pages science fiction novel.  The plot is supposed to be rather simple, and shouldn't be expanded to death.

- The storyline/plot is already established and is pretty much finalized.  Changing or revamping anything would mean backtracking in development and/or adding a lot more work for the devs.

- We don't really need more ideas, concepts, or additional story, we already have all the general planning done, are past the early planning stage, and at this time really need artists, people who can make maps and content, and people who can program.

- "open source" does NOT mean "open development" where anyone - especially a newcomer - can come along and be a "boss" by changing stuff, and expect everyone else to revamp stuff and make it all happen in the game, doing all of it *for* such a person.

- Related to the previous point, long ago when this project was new it suffered from this, as many people would come and go from the project, changing and revamping all kinds of things left and right, almost at random as everyone wanted something different, creating a chaotic mess.  I myself wasn't actually around during this, but I've been here long enough to have heard about this.

- The existing storyline is *good enough*, at least for a game, and as such it doesn't need to be re-opened or changed.

(** Yes, I said "contrasensical."  If you don't like that word, or don't like my English or grammar, tough shit - I don't care, and I'm not an English major.  That being said, when any of you respond to this post, I just ask that you respond to my main points I've made, and not make it about my choice of words, which is what I see a lot of in this thread.  Too much of this thread has gone into the realm of the absurd, and then beyond that.)

There wasn't in my opinion a real main point. "Pimp my story" could have been ignored, but XVI behaviour could have been re-thought for the late game or vice-versa. Then the discussion moved about infomration/misinformation and real-world topics.
About the storyline, ok, tweaks are useless, as I agreed some posts ago. I didn't know many things were already finalized.

The bossy attitude - I think you misunderstood me (or the others if you included them too) ... Devs have the final option on every proposal/brainstorming. There is simply who doesn't have time/will to contribute as a serious task, but have some ideas. This doesn't mean being bossy, if it's something like "here my idea, devs do what you like", and if i discuss them with other newcomers. I know there are better things to contribute, but these also need a more serious effort. And ideas never hurt, they can be ignored if they aren't good.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 12:45:31 pm by Kaslak_CG »

Offline NicAdi

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2011, 12:01:44 am »
Uh, excuse me, but what exactly is this discussion thread about?  What's the main point?
This discussion is about a "Storyline proposal" (as the thread title clearly shows).
[...] back and forth debate that has gone into what I believe is referred to as "Ad Hominem" arguments - Where people on all sides are not responding to some of the points expressed but instead picking on the use of terminology and the grammar used by others.
Debates are a normal occurence in Forums. As for 'argumentum ad hominem', your "beliefs" are wrong: correcting someone on improper use of vocabulary, grammar, logic etc. is *NOT* an attack against the person itself... but an attack against a person's ignorance. (Unfortunately, it happens that some people care about their ignorance a great deal...)
I'm wondering if this thread should be locked and shuttered.  It doesn't seem to have any real purpose or meaning at this stage, glancing at the most recent posts, and was doomed to begin with.
That depends solely on your wish to abuse the role of Admin; since this thread has not broken any Forum rules and has been kept reasonably on track until now, you have no solid grounds for shutting anything down... Your *very subjective* opinion on its purpose and/or meaning carries no weight whatsoever.
The reasons it was bad to start with:

<1>- This game is a game, not an upwards-of-a-thousand-pages science fiction novel.  The plot is supposed to be rather simple, and shouldn't be expanded to death.

<2>- The storyline/plot is already established and is pretty much finalized.  Changing or revamping anything would mean backtracking in development and/or adding a lot more work for the devs.

<3>- We don't really need more ideas, concepts, or additional story, we already have all the general planning done, are past the early planning stage, and at this time really need artists, people who can make maps and content, and people who can program.

<4>- "open source" does NOT mean "open development" where anyone - especially a newcomer - can come along and be a "boss" by changing stuff, and expect everyone else to revamp stuff and make it all happen in the game, doing all of it *for* such a person.

<5>- Related to the previous point, long ago when this project was new it suffered from this, as many people would come and go from the project, changing and revamping all kinds of things left and right, almost at random as everyone wanted something different, creating a chaotic mess.  I myself wasn't actually around during this, but I've been here long enough to have heard about this.

<6>- The existing storyline is *good enough*, at least for a game, and as such it doesn't need to be re-opened or changed.
<1>- Have you discussed that aspect with Winter, prior to posting? His introduction alone seems to be without end... Not to mention the almost maniacal tendency towards "over-realism" (a very bad trait in a Sci-Fi story) -- i.e. explaining everything to death and, more than once, ending up in ridicule.

<2>- I hope you're not serious when saying that; the storyline is far from being "finalised" -- one thing, it's missing an ending! ;) Besides, most changes suggested thus far only meant rewriting some text resources -- with *minimum to no impact* on other assets, or the game design itself... It's also worth mentioning that some issues were pointed out *years ago*, they were acknowledged by the authors, yet no steps were taken into fixing them. Why?

<3>- Did it ever occur to you that may be most of those who could contribute chose not to do so, because they've lost faith in the current storyline (and the direction it goes into)? Perhaps you should give this some serious thought...

<4>- Actually, the project you're running here *IS* "open development", a fact supported by both the License system adopted for all non-executable game assets (i.e. CC-BY-SA), and your previous call for help... ;)

<5>- This point is a fallacy. The lack of a working project management system in the past is completely *irrelevant* to appraising this particular proposal, here and now! In short, you're making no valid point here as to why *this* proposal is faulty... All I see is some good ol' fashioned noob hatin' -- quite distasteful, really.

<6>- The existing storyline is poor. The concept is hugely outdated and lacking originality, and the execution is sloppy and based on questionable paradigms... All in all, the greatest disappointment for this project...
Turning a blind eye to the problems you have won't make them go away -- contrary to some "popular beliefs" around here.
(** Yes, I said "contrasensical."  If you don't like that word, or don't like my English or grammar, tough shit - I don't care, and I'm not an English major. That being said, when any of you respond to this post, I just ask that you respond to my main points I've made, and not make it about my choice of words, which is what I see a lot of in this thread.  Too much of this thread has gone into the realm of the absurd, and then beyond that.)
"Contrasensical" does not appear to be an English word at all. Would you mind explaining what you think it means?

Now, after I've taken the time to answer all your "points", as requested, could you tell me why did you make this post (which, so far, is the *only* one completely off-topic)? Obviously, you're not interested in debating anything in here; in fact, you can't stand the very idea of it... So why did you do it, then?!
« Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 01:30:04 am by NicAdi »

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2011, 03:22:25 am »
Must we really do this with so many Ad Hominem arguments? Yes, Kaslak was wrong on a bunch of details, doesn't mean he was wrong on others, why not work to rectify those mistakes? I'm not sure on what the storyline plan is, could anyone point me in the right direction?

Now, I would like to say that I approve of this idea, as it was said in Stargate SG-1, the audience (especially a sci-fi audience) is made up of intelligent people who will appreciate the fact that effort was put into making a deeper universe rather than stick with a generic set of tropes.

For example, while bio-nano might have trouble communicating with one another via EM, why not have them act as a carrier, they infect a body and after subverting the local immune system, begin creating a series of metal antenna in the skull bone, linked to the brain and powered by the muscles? In one step we've got the natural progression of the disease and an interesting fact: infectees tend to gain muscle mass in order to better power their radio antenna used to maintain a group intellect. This is of course simply some educated guesswork, I have no fomral degres in neither radio frequences or bio-nano (yet, hopefully that can be remedies in uni ;D).

And as Kaslak said, at most this would mean changing text documents, which can easily be handled by volunteers and proof read by developers who would either sign off or throw it on the junk heap.

PS. Since an FTL drive is way beyond the scope of anything scine an explain, may I suggest the following?

TO: Base Commander, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command
FROM: Cdr. Paul Navarre, R&D: Engineering Division, PHALANX, Atlantic Operations Command
DATE: %02i %s %i
SUB: Re: Proposal: Faster Than Light Drive

We have no fucking clue how this thing works.

--Cdr. Navarre

Addendum, Lead Researcher Daniel Thompson, %02i %s %i:
Forgive Cdr. Navarre, this FTL drive's defied every attempt he's made with mocking indifference. The good news however, is that while we have no idea how it works, we can still strap it onto our craft and make it take us places. What do you say commander? Will you sign off on a squad of testosterone charged, heavily armed special forces grunts with revenge in their hearts gallivanting around the galaxy?

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2011, 10:52:01 am »
Just got a question:

are there going to be more cutscenes to enhance the plot? Like i read thru the story (pretty original btw. props to the writer), and it seems like the "failed PHALANX assault on the mothership" plot point would be hard to do in game.

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2012, 03:03:03 pm »
Umm. not to flog a dead horse.

But I've tried to write a storyline proposal that melds somewhat with the current story, and kind of explains why Phalanx is so small, and why there're 8 "nations" (implied by the post holocaust scenario). It's in the "contribute" section.

Forgive Cdr. Navarre, this FTL drive's defied every attempt he's made with mocking indifference. The good news however, is that while we have no idea how it works, we can still strap it onto our craft and make it take us places. What do you say commander? Will you sign off on a squad of testosterone charged, heavily armed special forces grunts with revenge in their hearts gallivanting around the galaxy?

If we have no idea how it works, how do we turn it on? Or does it come with a button marked "turn on here"... or perhaps an ignition with a key in it? :p

How aboute "we have no idea how it works, but we know that if we bang on it hard enough it should turn on. We don't know where we'll end up... but right now we're winging it on a fart and a prayer, so what say you Commander? Shall we just, as they used to say in the 00s... Nike?"

Offline Nutter

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Re: SPOILERS - Storyline proposal
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2012, 06:17:26 pm »
Knowing the mechanics behind a machine and knowing how to operate it are two completely different things.
 One lets you duplicate and maintain it (or, at least know how it works), the other lets you strap it to a hastily assembled spacecraft packed chock full of the most insane, PTSD affected poor fucks available to your species and send the whole thing in the general direction of its previous owners so they can shove a big fat load of "Fuck you too," up their proverbial arses.