Technical support > Linux
No Linux download package for 2.3.1? (besides source)
Why is there no download package for Linux besides the source package (and besides the packages in the different Linux repositories)? I thought, there will be one, after not getting it for 2.3.0. Is there a problem with packaging it?
Which flavor would you like? A lot of distros have a package in their repos. If it aint in yours, you might snatch the one from a distro that is closely related.
I don't have a problem with playing UFO:AI. For me personally, there is no package problem, because 2.3.1 is in Arch Linux repo and there is a Ubuntu repo.
Also you don't need a distro specific package, just one, that you unpackage and run from your home-directory (something like it was possible with 2.2.x).
But I'm part of and we have a Wiki and I also post news about Linux games. And we try to help everyone, no matter which Linux distro they are using. A universal Linux package like UFO:AI offered with 2.2.x would be nice, especially for those, who are new to Linux.
I'd like to see a "PPA" for Ubuntu, so the system would update itself... :D
Universal linux package? That calls for a universal linux distro if you ask me.
Perhaps something like
Zero Install
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