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Author Topic: Small idea.  (Read 2444 times)

Offline Brettie-C

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Small idea.
« on: April 20, 2011, 08:57:57 am »
ive read a few posts about the storyline n such so here goes me with my magical brainstorming ability  :-\

there was 1 thing i found with some xcom games and thats once the first intro was over and u started playing it was just game game game and more game with very little in story telling. I know that this isnt a remake and that it is its own game so why not put a couple of story teasers e.g.

Boss type missions: These missions could be the only mission that you encounter something that is 3x3 tiles and rather hard to kill. you could incorperate many things here such as, making the PLAYER (because its all about the player!) think about tactics and how to kill it instead of just placing men close to aliens and shooting, making weakspots to help with them tactics so the player has to use certain things to kill it such as a flashbang to put its (if of course it was a alienmade super weapon) electrical systems out of order for a round or two. (this could make everything in game useful because i dont you about you but i barely ever use grenades etc.).

Random missions: these could be things that are outright stupid to things that are quite serious for the story line.
outright stupidity: aliens have made wildlife (cows?) a bio weapon and its the phalanx's job to deal with it
seriousness: alien are planning a attack on the whitehouse or somewhere really important.

Aftermath missions: say you dont get to a ufo before it takes off from landing or a crashed ufo repairs and disappears, players could still send their ship to investigate and collect either resources the aliens left behind or search for clues/research opportunities.

looking forward to feedback.