Technical support > Linux

wiki dependencies


On compiling:
The debian and the suse wiki page each have a different (outdated) list of packages to install. The "Compile for linux" page completely ignores this problem altogether.
Maybe it could be usefull to keep 1 single list of the necessary packages which you can see on all 3 pages. Plus include version requirements. And for a different version of ufoai a different list.

The Suse list misses SDL_mixer-devel.

Fedora has no libxvidcore package, just xvidcore. The openal package is called openal-soft.

I think u can edit the page

imo they should be removed completly (the deps) - they are in the package descriptions already. there is no need to maintain them twice.


--- Quote from: Mattn on November 18, 2010, 08:11:46 am ---imo they should be removed completly (the deps) - they are in the package descriptions already. there is no need to maintain them twice.

--- End quote ---

I am not talking about the dependencies on the packages that distribute ufoai. They are handled by the package managers anyway.
I was referring to the packages you need to compile the source when you take it from git. These dependencies are resolved manually afaik.

I might edit it but I dont know how to maintain one list in the wiki and to display that in a couple of pages.

isnt libogg-devel  necessary?


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