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how do u make money in this game

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--- Quote from: Atlas2112 on December 07, 2010, 01:00:26 pm ---I just tested this in 2.3.1, and 1) the cost to produce is equal to the world-cost and 2) the cost to sell is 90% the world cost.
This must just mean that the 50% world-cost for production isn't fully implemented yet, yeah?  (Which is something I'm fully for, since it gives just a _hint_ of economy, and some of us do like a wee bit of economy in our alien killage.  ;-)

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I think producing earth grade items should be lower than average sales, but selling it should be even lower than producing, since our job is to shoot down aliens, not being a PMC or weapons contractor.

Real money should be made in replicating alien guns and selling them since we should have the blueprints only!


--- Quote from: Atlas2112 on December 07, 2010, 01:00:26 pm ---This must just mean that the 50% world-cost for production isn't fully implemented yet, yeah? 

--- End quote ---

It's my understanding that there is no intention at this time to introduce production-for-profit.


--- Quote from: H-Hour on December 07, 2010, 03:58:44 pm ---It's my understanding that there is no intention at this time to introduce production-for-profit.

--- End quote ---

Or rather removing production-for-profit was on purpose...


Lew Yard:
I could see the world cost for goods only available after research (both buy and sell) being reduced once you've actually built something and sold it rather than keeping it -- the reasoning being that you've now provided engineering samples for others to figure out how to manufacture on a larger scale.

XCOM had the produce-for-profit feature in case of laser cannons for the first game, and railgun equivalent in the sequel. They were very profitable. I even built a whole base just as a war factory for the profit :)


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