i still dont understand the difference between the syntax *cvar:i and <cvar:i> the first is a reference the second is its value
or is < > used to inject data into a string for example "actor_select <cvar:i>;" mayne something instead the old "actor_select" + string(<cvar:i>) +";"
You must first understand the current script is the result of many small patches according to needs and the way it is easy to implement. Anyway <foo> mean you replace something in a string. It is an easy way to do it. There is no real way atm to concatenate string with operator.
and what does "*cvar:i" or is it "<cvar:i>" means, that you ask to do, pass the info as a string
Then "*cvar:i" isastring containing *cvar:i, and "<cvar:i>" is a string where the injection syntax is replaced by the value of the cvar. The injection value is substituted at runtime.
also when i pass it as parameter, if use:
call *node.root.whatever (*cvar:i)
func whatever{
*node.root.radiobutton@cvar = <1> its ok because i assign the reference as needed but then how do i pass it value in onClicK?
*node.root.radiobutton@onClick = { cmd "actor_select <1>;" } this doesnt work.
There is no references, the reference is the name of the cvar. You should use *node.root.whatever ( "*cvar:i" ). If it dont work, i must fix the C code. I will add a test to check it. But well, the <1> on the onClick function will be wrong, cause <1> is substituted at runtime. But u may use:
*node.root.radiobutton@onClick = { cmd "actor_select <cvar>;" }
Which should substitute the syntax with the value of the cvar property, which should be the value of the cvar. BTW, there is no "dynamic" nasted/inner function, the nasted function is compiled at parsing time (you can't use status of the parent function to the nasted function).
also can i use call *node.parent.parent.function or *node.parent@parent.function or something like it?
"@" is to access to properties, "." is to access nodes, then *node.parent.parent@function, if the function is an event property, *node.parent.parent.function ifthefunction is a func/confunc node.