Development > Newbie Coding

UI Adjustments.

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its called nodes not classes  :-\ i assumed it was c++ with "widget" like classes used to make it easier for none programmers like me(thus the little wired sintax at places) but i guess its not, what language is it? its look very much alike.

and so can you access a node from another node callback event, i didnt see any variable declaration but i assume that any node can call any other node? or its something todo with confunc?

so can i do this:
onMouseClick( *nodename.invis = true

there is something-like C syntax, but it is not C. It is just declarative language. Also, confuncs look like mix of xpath and some other language.


--- Quote ---...and so can you access a node from another node callback event, i didnt see any variable declaration but i assume that any node can call any other node? or its something todo with confunc?

so can i do this:
onMouseClick( *nodename.invis = true
--- End quote ---

I dont read before this message cause i am tired (but i will do it), anyway:
* We can access any nodes
* There is no variable declaration, but i am working on
* confunc or anyother work the same.

onMouseClick( *node:pathofthenode@invis = true

Please check*.ufo and if the doc is not helpful, feed back or fix is welcome. The first entry of show an example of node edition from another node.

what about my initial question, will placing a picture or script in base/folder/script.ufo
will make the game load it instead if the script.ufo  in base/0folder.pk3   ?

file from "homedir /base" overwrite file from "gamedir /base" which overwrite file from "gamedir .pk3".


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