First, for those who have been wondering what happened to me, no, I have not quit the project, I've simply been extremely busy dealing with a small crisis that is now mostly over in my life, and have been balancing all kinds of things left and right.
I have the start of a new track, just an idea at this point that isn't anywhere near finished, since it's been a while: still needs a lot of work, and yes, near the end I did indeed hit a stray note.
Keep in mind that I also work on other projects, so if this track doesn't totally fit UFO:AI then I can develop it for something else.
Some of you with your ear to the ground may have noticed that I kick-started a new project on SourceForge: few free plug-ins for guitarists are both open source and anywhere near completion to the point of being usable. Such plugs for Macs are even more rare, with *almost* nothing at all to choose from, so this is kinda new ground.
Now, if I can just get Git to work right on my computer, I should be able to really get back into UFO:AI again. I really hope to also get a Windows binary installer together for those who have been waiting.