Hello All,
I'm new to the game but a long time fan of the X-Com line, and I just wanted to say this is brilliant. I've done a lot of play testing (both open and closed beta) on everything from Interstate 76 and Ultima Online to the new Middle Earth series, and I will give U:AI most of my attention for the next few months to be sure. Now for the problem I've run into for testing research, manufacturing, and so on, is that the missions are not listed as completed so the countries keep getting madder and madder :-)They won't give you any more money and you can't make any thing to sell. Nothing will finish after a point and the game comes to a stop (no bullets on missions, for instance). Now I understand that it is probly still under construction and what I was wondering is if there is some way to increase their opinion of me or secondly, just increase my cash so I can take the game further. I will state right up front I'm not a programmer but I do have a good understanding of coding.