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Off-base Installations ?


i played few UFO games but i never seen the Off-base Installations yet, the problem is that not ufoOpedia nor right clicking gives an explanation about what they are.

so i googled it found this:

do they have an upkeep cost or should i spam them as much as i can to provide better support for my other forces
i seen they can be bombed, so i shouldnt deploy them to far away from base and what is the rule of the thumb when defending is 2 SAM Site enough to defend a UFO Yard?

and what does this means "All operations on ufo's will be modified by the distance of the base to the yard."  ?

thank, sorry for the noob questions.


--- Quote from: mor2 on October 13, 2010, 08:23:05 pm ---and what does this means "All operations on ufo's will be modified by the distance of the base to the yard."  ?

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I'm not sure if this currently works, but it means this: to disassemble UFO, you need a base with workshop(s) and workers. The time needed to disassembly UFO is modified by distance between that base and yard.


--- Quote from: Sarin on October 14, 2010, 12:16:32 am ---I'm not sure if this currently works, but it means this: to disassemble UFO, you need a base with workshop(s) and workers. The time needed to disassembly UFO is modified by distance between that base and yard.

--- End quote ---

In 2.3 this feature was disabled because you cannot yet transfer UFOs between UFO Yards yet and It would have been unfair.



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