Technical support > Windows

no geo map shown

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as i said in the previous post i am not sure how to make the ufoconsole.log, since then i found this link in the sticky

so i only need to to bring the console and type there "+set developer 1"
for the shader thingy, do i need to turn the shaders on?
should i only use it for reproducible bugs and starting it just before or should i run it always?
does it work if the games hangs or i alt+f4?
does it helps if the bug already happened? ( i had once the "stunned bug" where after stunning the last allien the spoted counter stayed 1 and the mission didnt end)

i also encountered similar bug to this Base attack starts then imediatly jumps to geoscape.
and one more bug with one jungle map where the spaceship layout is fucked up and you cannot go upstairs (it was already reported i seen it somewhere)


--- Quote from: Mattn on October 14, 2010, 07:58:46 am ---upload your ufoconsole.log please - maybe your graphic card just does not support shaders well or your drivers are not up-to-date?

--- End quote ---

just noticed that the ufoconsole.log is inside %appdata%\UFOAI\2.3\base (has nothing todo with console) so i dont know if it still relevant but here:

--- Code: ---2009/08/20 14:41:16 ------- video initialization -------
2009/08/20 14:41:19 SDL version: 1.2.14
2009/08/20 14:41:19 I: desktop depth: 32bpp
2009/08/20 14:41:19 I: video memory: 0
2009/08/20 14:41:19 I: Available resolutions: 1280x800 1280x768 1280x720 1024x768 1024x600 1024x480 848x480 800x600 800x480 720x576 720x480 640x480 640x432 (13)
2009/08/20 14:41:19 I: video driver: windib
2009/08/20 14:41:19 I: setting mode -1
2009/08/20 14:41:19 I: set swap control to 0
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: 1024x768 (fullscreen: yes)
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: got 8 bits of stencil
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: got 24 bits of depth buffer
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: got double buffer
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: got 8 bits for red
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: got 8 bits for green
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: got 8 bits for blue
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: got 8 bits for alpha
2009/08/20 14:41:59 I: got 0 multisample buffers
GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.2009/08/20 14:41:59 GL_RENDERER: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X16002009/08/20 14:41:59 GL_VERSION: 2.1.8544 Release2009/08/20 14:41:59 GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_meminfo GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control2009/08/20 14:41:59 2009/08/20 14:41:59 using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
2009/08/20 14:41:59 using GL_ARB_shading_language_100
2009/08/20 14:41:59 GLSL Version: 1.20
2009/08/20 14:41:59 using GL_ARB_framebuffer_object
2009/08/20 14:41:59 max draw buffers: 4
2009/08/20 14:41:59 max render buffer size: 4096
2009/08/20 14:41:59 max color attachments: 4
2009/08/20 14:41:59 using GL_ARB_draw_buffers
2009/08/20 14:41:59 max supported lights: 8
2009/08/20 14:41:59 max texture units: 8
2009/08/20 14:41:59 max texture coords: 8
2009/08/20 14:42:00 max vertex attributes: 16
2009/08/20 14:42:00 max texture size: detected 4096
2009/08/20 14:42:00 Warning: medium resolution globe textures requested, but could not be found; falling back to low resolution globe textures.
2009/08/20 14:42:00 SDL_image version 1.2.6
2009/08/20 14:42:01 SDL_ttf version 2.0.9 - we need at least 2.0.7
--- End code ---


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