maybe anyone could answer this question: I want to test some things in the new 2.4-dev and have many problems which could not be the case because anyone else would write "I have this, too", because they are essentially for the game.
I have some problems regardung the calculation of distances and points on the geoscape but they are not reproducable (it seems so). They occur many times on my PC but if I make a save and provide this to another guy, the problem seems to not exist. Also, if a reload my game the problem is gone away, but it will happen at any other timeframe later.
Is it possible, that I forgot something to build?
I explain, what I have done:
- Checkout from git
- Do some changes in the cl_input.c (for example)
- Compile & Link (build) the ufo.exe as well as all other targets which are build using "all"
- Start the new .exe => got problems
Has someone an explanation for that? I can only believe, that I got something wrong.
Best regards
PS: I mean for example this log entries:
2010/10/18 12:30:07ExecuteString: ''
2010/10/18 12:30:07ExecuteString: 'map day +ufocrash craft_crash_fighter'
2010/10/18 12:30:07Set server state to 1
2010/10/18 12:30:07------- Loading game.dll -------
2010/10/18 12:30:07not found at '/usr/local/lib'
2010/10/18 12:30:07Failed loading /usr/local/lib/game.dll: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
2010/10/18 12:30:07not found at 'C:\Users\Maik\AppData\Roaming\UFOAI/2.4-dev/base'
2010/10/18 12:30:07Failed loading C:\Users\Maik\AppData\Roaming\UFOAI/2.4-dev/base/game.dll: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
2010/10/18 12:30:07found at './base'
2010/10/18 12:30:07==== InitGame ====
2010/10/18 12:30:07SpawnServer: +ufocrash
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_ufo
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_crash_fighter
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_drop
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_drop_firebird
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_ufo
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_crash_fighter
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_drop
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_drop_firebird
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_ufo
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_crash_fighter
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_drop
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_drop_firebird
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_ufo
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_crash_fighter
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_drop
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_drop_firebird
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_ufo
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_crash_fighter
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_GetCvarToken: cvar replacement: rm_drop
2010/10/18 12:30:07SV_ParseAssembly: cvar replacement value: +craft_drop_firebird
2010/10/18 12:30:07numTiles: 23
2010/10/18 12:30:07numAssemblies: 5
2010/10/18 12:30:07Use assembly: 'craft_crash_fighter'
2010/10/18 12:30:07tiles: -ufocrash/uc_ +craft_drop_firebird +craft_crash_fighter +d01 +h07 +h01 +h05 +h01 +h02 +h02
2010/10/18 12:30:07pos: 8 -8 0 -24 0 0 16 8 0 -24 -16 0 -24 16 0 0 -16 0 8 -16 0 0 0 0 24 -16 0
2010/10/18 12:30:07tiles: 9
2010/10/18 12:30:07CM_LoadMap: "-ufocrash/uc_ +craft_drop_firebird +craft_crash_fighter +d01 +h07 +h01 +h05 +h01 +h02 +h02" "8 -8 0 -24 0 0 16 8 0 -24 -16 0 -24 16 0 0 -16 0 8 -16 0 0 0 0 24 -16 0"
2010/10/18 12:30:07CM_LoadMap: token: +craft_drop_firebird
2010/10/18 12:30:07CM_AddMapTile: ufocrash/uc_craft_drop_firebird at 8,-8,0
2010/10/18 12:30:07********************
2010/10/18 12:30:07ERROR: Couldn't load maps/ufocrash/uc_craft_drop_firebird.bsp
2010/10/18 12:30:07********************
2010/10/18 12:30:07Shutdown server: Server crashed.
2010/10/18 12:30:07Set server state to 4
2010/10/18 12:30:07Shutdown the game thread
2010/10/18 12:30:07==== ShutdownGame ====
2010/10/18 12:30:07Free inventory slots in game on shutdown: 0
2010/10/18 12:30:07Unload the game library
2010/10/18 12:30:07ExecuteString: 'music_change geoscape'
2010/10/18 12:30:07music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from Crystan-Geosphere04)
2010/10/18 12:30:07ExecuteString: ''
2010/10/18 12:30:07Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:07ExecuteString: '-leftmouse 200 206105'
2010/10/18 12:30:07ExecuteString: '-select 200 206105'
2010/10/18 12:30:07Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:07Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:07Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:07Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:07Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:07Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:08Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:08Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:08Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
2010/10/18 12:30:08Mission is cat2_interest32_0, 2
Here the game keeps up on geoscape, I can reproduce this all of the time.