Technical support > Linux

Help. Ufoai 2.3 crashes after initial screen

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Cyber Killer:
My guess: it's the driver.

Your GPU is ATIXpress 200M, which is basically Radeon X300 and as such uses the free/open radeon driver, which is good enough for desktop effects, but IMO is still not ready for games.

Since you can't use any other driver (fglrx requires currently at least Radeon HD2000 series), I would recommend getting some new hardware. Or wait till the new ubuntu release (which should be sometime next month), maybe a new driver version will help.

It's a laptop, hard to upgrade the hardware :P

Well, try with compiz off.

How is your performance (type glxgears in command line and tell us the frames it shows)?

that's true: it is a laptop ;D
glxgears shows:

1744 frames in 5.0 seconds
1775 frames in 5.0 seconds
1698 frames in 5.0 seconds
1633 frames in 5.0 seconds
1541 frames in 5.0 seconds
1531 frames in 5.0 seconds
1487 frames in 5.0 seconds
1480 frames in 5.0 seconds
1552 frames in 5.0 seconds
1495 frames in 5.0 seconds
1622 frames in 5.0 seconds

Anyway thanks for your suggestions

Well, I've worse than that in my eeepc and it runs, have you tried with desktop effects off?

And reinstall it, playdeb updated the version in theier repo.


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