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oss terminology and rc-missunderstandigs

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As we have seen in some other thread, especially user not used to dev-processes and oss terms get easily confused about the fakt that the release candidate isn't the release. I could immage that even people more charming than this "this game sucks guy" get at leaatst frustrated and get a bad picture about the game, simply because their expectations are to high. As it looks like there will be at leas  two? more RC before ufo:ai even plays as a "single "player game (that is story, ufopedia, all those little things that get the player involved) it might be usefull to underline the -still testing and improving/ NOT final - state- more clearly or not using the therm RC that inflationary (which is too late now i guess).
Anyway, just my 2c, hope i didnt pissed anyone: Eric.

Another option is to say this will be version 2.0 of the technical demo, just as version 1 was a technical demo, not a complete game. Either way, I think already starting screen and file name should clearly indicate this is work in progress.

Call it beta, everyone knows what that means.

This is beta already? I thought we are still in alpha.  :lol:

At least if you have to optimize both, how the term fits to the current state and how the interpretation of the term by an average visitor fits to the current state, beta is best.

Most people interpret beta as "playable yet unfinished". Any term they do not know they might ignore, or it might make them fear that the game will mess up with their whole windows installation.

I'm not here as often as I used to be, but I do definitely notice there's a thread every now and then where someone states that the game is ** (not knowing that it is not even close to a final), and then some people take fun out of flaming them. Something should be done, either against the people who don't notice the game isn't done yet (by making it more obvious, as suggested by the op), or at least against the flamers.


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