Development > Newbie Coding

Switch from svn to git without redownloading everything?

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I've got the last svn code already and I notice that you've now switched to git.

Is there an easy way to switch to using the git repository without having to re-download the entire source over a 1MBit (on a good day) connection? Basically, I want to just update from the last svn version.



--- Quote from: Niggle on September 25, 2010, 11:53:35 am ---Is there an easy way to switch to using the git repository without having to re-download the entire source over a 1MBit (on a good day) connection? Basically, I want to just update from the last svn version.

--- End quote ---



Somebody mentioned somewhere a 'shallow fetch n' where only the last n revisions are DLed ??

Because this was raised

I just want to do very few things
get the source and update the source including 2.3 branch

I got the source on Fri Sep 17
Now i try to update using
git pull -v
and i have to redownload 1.6Gigs into another *.pack file on my disk
next to the already existing one
Why do i need to redownload the whole source again!

I thought!
git clone -v --progress git:// C:\path\to\somewhere
would get the whole source
git checkout master
would switch into the "current trunk"
git checkout ufoai_2.3
would switch into the 2.3 branch
git pull -v
would update the current branch (master|ufoai_2.3)

you should use

--- Code: ---git fetch
git rebase '@{u}'

--- End code ---

to not add merge commits whenever you have local changes (which might happen for some of your users)

but in general this should only fetch the diffs of course - but we fixed parts of the history recently and this affected almost everything. so either reclone the repo or see to fix this.


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