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Will 2.3.1 fix reaction fire?

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I've stopped playing the game hoping 2.3.1 will fix this.


2.3.1 ???  Searched around a bit ... couldn't find any announcement that there will be such a thing. *shrug

Cause it *will* be released

I've been playing 2.4 for over a month, and RF hasn't been an issue. What build have you been playing, because I stopped seeing RF issues in 2.3 about halfway through August, when playing the Muton builds.


--- Quote from: ManicMiner on September 29, 2010, 01:01:40 pm ---I've been playing 2.4 for over a month, and RF hasn't been an issue. What build have you been playing, because I stopped seeing RF issues in 2.3 about halfway through August, when playing the Muton builds.

--- End quote ---

The 2.3 RF works just well with most guns bigger (slower) than pistols. Maybe that is why, you just advanced your game to point where aliens rarely use those.


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