Technical support > Mac

ufoai 2.3 on OSX PPC Leopard - save game fails

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OK, I have a new subversion macport installed.  Now I know the version I compiled that works except for the savegame:

[eros:~/ufoai_2.3-old] root# svn info
Path: .
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 39b98707-f80d-0410-bc7e-c6b02f5409da
Revision: 32055
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: tlh2000
Last Changed Rev: 31968
Last Changed Date: 2010-08-27 20:33:35 +1000 (Fri, 27 Aug 2010)

Now, the other one I downloaded was a 9.8mb source only with the maps etc in /base derived from the install above.
This version can be found as:

And it is different to the svn download above.   I did a diff -r on the two source trees and they are subtly different....

The svn download works fine, the 9.8mb source does not......


And the output of "svn st" or "svn diff"?

Hopefully nothing modified

I am resurrecting this post, since I have now got 2.3.1 running, but with the same save game
problem as 2.3.0, so something is not resolved.

Can anyone confirm they can save games  in 2.3.1 with a PPC version?

I can't yet get 2.4 working, so I want to get 2.3.1 going so PPC users can enjoy meanwhile.

I am soooo close to getting this working on PPC, just need help now with this save problem.
I have checked permissions, pahs etc, the problem is this bogus header corruption, but
the unpacked save file looks fine to me....



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