Technical support > Mac

ufoai 2.3 on OSX PPC Leopard - save game fails

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I am compiling from source, not that it should really matter...


--- Quote from: Lord_Aether on September 06, 2010, 06:50:38 am ---I am compiling from source, not that it should really matter...

--- End quote ---

I compiled 2.4 dev from source, but it fails to run properly.  It will load up OK,
but the fan on my G5 starts up and goes into leaf blower mode.  When I select
a skirmish, it will have terrible trouble rendering the graphics and the mouse cursor
freezes.   I will have another look at this eventually.   

Between 2.3 and 2.4dev the cp_save.c file has undergone many changes, mostly
to do with access to functions and renamed stuff, but the core code that does the
savegame verify and load looks pretty much the same......


--- Quote from: virag0 on September 04, 2010, 02:01:26 pm ---Hi,
the game works perfectly except for the campaign save. 
I had to disable GLSL shading for everything to work.
--- End quote ---

Alright, you are Nvidia, and I am ATI.
Yours works, mine does not.

I think we've got something.


--- Quote from: keybounce on September 08, 2010, 05:14:53 am ---Alright, you are Nvidia, and I am ATI.
Yours works, mine does not.

I think we've got something.

--- End quote ---

Cool.....  progress is being made......   Would you like my Makefile/config opts etc?
It's pretty much just the simple Mac install.....

I can't see what causes the save game to break still however.....



--- Quote from: keybounce on September 04, 2010, 06:27:38 pm ---Two things:
1. What is the output from "svn diff"?
2. What is the output from "svn info"?

That should tell me which specific revision you are working with.

--- End quote ---

Gah, now Loepard is telling me:

svn info
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a newer Subversion client

Time to port install svn I guess.
I have not attempted a Solaris build yet.   Get Mac going first....


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