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ufoai 2.3 on OSX PPC Leopard - save game fails

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I thought the savefile looked OK, when I studied one uncompressed. 
What do you suggest I do?

The symptom when loading is two conditions:

1) Game is saved and reloaded without quitting UFO.
This appears to work fine.  If I save a game, I get the corrupted error
to the console, but it appears to be written fine.
It can be reloaded, although the text may or may not be
present in the slot text field.   Loading any one of these saves works.

2) Save game and then quit/restart
If I save the campaign and then immediately quit,
when I restart, I will no longer be able to see the save
games with their names in the slots.

As mentioned, I seem to have 2 codebases, so I am working with the one
that actually gives me a result (up to a point).  Is there a version file anywhere
that indicates what release of 2.3 it is I am actually compiling?



--- Quote from: virag0 on September 04, 2010, 02:01:26 pm ---Now, I seem to have 2 copies of the 2.3 source code.
They are both subtly different - the first thing I notice
is the build/ files are quite different.

The build that is working for me is a copy of the source out
of the cvs - it will make a full .dmg file that runs on my mac,
with all the libraries copies into the install root and it seems
to run fine except for the campaign file save. 
--- End quote ---

Two things:
1. What is the output from "svn diff"?
2. What is the output from "svn info"?

That should tell me which specific revision you are working with.

--- Quote ---If there is a place I can upload the .dmg, please let me know.
--- End quote ---
I used google docs when I uploaded my last disk image.

** Please, download this, and tell me if the graphics work on your system **

This version failed to give proper graphics on my machine (working about 1 in 4 times). If it works -- consistently -- for you, then ... well, I'm suspecting a bug in the driver that is trigger by the 2.3 rendering code being different than the 2.2.1 rendering code.

I tried your copy of UFO on my system and it only gets as far as the splash screen  :(

Here is my current "working" copy that has the save game issue.
It works in campaign and skirmish mode if you disable GLSL shading and run
it at 1024x758 in a window.  For some reason, Full screen mode the game will
load but fail to load a skirmish.   For now, I just want the savegame to work!

Feel free to download and this PPC only versions.....


Just chiming in here to say that in 2.4-dev on PPC I have the same problem.


--- Quote from: Lord_Aether on September 06, 2010, 04:47:06 am ---Just chiming in here to say that in 2.4-dev on PPC I have the same problem.

--- End quote ---

Are you saying you compiled it or you are trying to run a downloaded binary?
This thread is discussing compiling the game.   You can try the version I uploaded
today, but the savegames fail.  The campaign and skirmish modes work with caveats
as above.

I have been over the cp_save.c code a few times and cannot see what is causing the
game load error. I might play around with it a bit, but I have to first fully understand what
it is doing.    There has to be a clue - Mattn says the save file opens and loads correctly.
On my system the file is written out, but the console informs me it is corrupted.
So this is the first clue.   The code that writes the file is correct.   The code that
verifies it must be wrong!    I will dig instead of playing ;)


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