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Notification after completed Research
Is it possible to notify the player after a research project has been finished (and possibly pause the game)? This already happens if the research creates a new research option, so I guess it should be possible. The reason why I'm asking this: Especially at the beginning, research seems to take forever, but every time you forget to check every half-day (equalling a few played missions) it turns out your techies have been idling around for god knows how long...
--- Quote from: Colamann on August 28, 2010, 12:26:19 am ---Is it possible to notify the player after a research project has been finished (and possibly pause the game)? This already happens if the research creates a new research option, so I guess it should be possible. The reason why I'm asking this: Especially at the beginning, research seems to take forever, but every time you forget to check every half-day (equalling a few played missions) it turns out your techies have been idling around for god knows how long...
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