Development > Newbie Coding
Encumbrance/TU penalty
Well, 'the code has the truth', but I'm currently not in the mood to guess everything from the code ;)
So could you please give us a brief description of what your new approach is ?
sorry I had only time for a quick post -- had to go get something to eat -- not very different from first approach but I tought I would add the total weight and tu penalty of the items in inventory_t and update it only when the charater's inventory is changed (instead of calculating it every time they are used), well actually I'm updating it at CL_CharacterSkillAndScoreCvars and calling actor_updatecurrent in the onChange event for the container nodes (but it will only work if you use DND as auto placing seems to be calling the onChange event only for armour) but anyway that's the main idea
Reducing TU's for having too much weight is a bad thing. Did you ever notice that in XCom, you could not aim your weapon if you had too much in your back pack? (Aimed shot was 80% TU, and just about any "too heavy" penalty dropped you below that.)
--- Quote from: DarkRain on August 31, 2010, 01:16:23 am ----- had to go get something to eat --
--- End quote ---
No problem. That's always prio 1. We can't use starved devs ;)
So the plan is to maintain the weight. That's good. Provided you can catch *all* the events that change it. Which can be difficult as you already noticed.
Do you think you can provide a little patch that makes auto placing call onChange ?
Do you think you found all the events ?
DarkRain's implementation will apply the penalties in the most gradual way possible. So it's not like overloaded ? TUs -= 20%.
If anyone will add penalty TUs, i will reverse them for my goodness (darn translation website, there isn't a word i forgot in its database).
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