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Author Topic: translation in french  (Read 59249 times)

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2013, 12:07:14 pm »
Hello !

We need a hand here !

Shall we work on the v2.5 .po, or go on with the v2.4 .po. files ?
Will you merge the entries in v2.4 .po into corresponding entries in v2.5 ? Text fields seem to have been moved and some don't correspond between the two versions.

Can you remind us the correct procedure to revise the large texts (emails, UFOPaedia) ? Because in v2.4, I recall having pasted one or two whole wiki articles into the .po when there was only a text file name... I did this because in many instances, the large texts were included in the .po .

Offline krilain

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2013, 03:24:54 pm »
Good question. Some persons like me have now installed the 2.5 dev, and are using the .po translation files included there. So if there is major differences to come with any older or further 2.5dev, the work could remain unusable?

Moreover I must admit I didn't understand exactly what to do with a modified .po. Should I send it at the GIT , but in this case, if we are many to do that, there is also a risk of doing unusable task ...

Offline geever

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2013, 06:01:15 pm »
Please pick the lastest 2.5 po for translating from GIT. We will not merge po files from 2.4.

The po files contain the long text articles too, full text, not just by ID as it were in 2.4. Use PoEdit to translate them.

Modified po files can be uploaded to our new Bug/Feature/Patch Tracker.


Offline Sauron45

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2013, 12:28:43 pm »
Many approximate translations are bad. I will try to correct them.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2013, 03:25:14 pm »
It is because v2.5 didn't collect any of the late v2.4 changes.

Are you using the last v2.5 .po file at SourceForge or branching from Github ?
I'm going to try and patch the v2.5 file downloaded from SF with my v2.4 translation strings (when applicable), to not have all that work lost. A lot of line-by-line micro-management, though.

Offline Damyen

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2013, 09:26:04 pm »

 First: thank you for this great game :-)

 Second: If needed, I could help translating the game in french. Is someone currently working on the last "ufoai-fr.po" file? If not, I could start within a few days...


Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2015, 10:12:03 pm »
I'm working on v2.5 ufoai-fr.po.

I'd like to be reassured that

#1942 "Lift aircraft" (a not yet implemented options when a base is attacked)
means "Lift all the aircrafts" and not only one of them;

#2102 "Riot Shotgun" means the police "shortened" barrels CQ gun, whereas #2143 "Shotgun" means the standard, single or double barreled hunting gun.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 11:10:47 pm by Rodmar »

Offline DarkRain

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2015, 08:27:06 pm »
I'm working on v2.5 ufoai-fr.po.

I'd like to be reassured that

#1942 "Lift aircraft" (a not yet implemented options when a base is attacked)
means "Lift all the aircrafts" and not only one of them;
From the hangar blueprint reports:
If possible, all aircraft should be scrambled before an impending base attack and moved out of the area until the attack is over.
So I'd say yes

#2102 "Riot Shotgun" means the police "shortened" barrels CQ gun, whereas #2143 "Shotgun" means the standard, single or double barreled hunting gun.
From the riot shotgun tech specs:
Code: [Select]
the Rossi AAA, a semi-automatic combat shotgun developed for use by SWAT and anti-terrorist units.So yes on the riot shotgun, the other one you mention I'm assuming is the MP only double barrel shotgun (as opossed to the micro shotgun), which would be indeed a hunting shotgun.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2015, 11:48:11 pm »
Thank you for the confirmation.
As for "aircraft", as it's sometimes the case with some collective nouns in English, a French-speaker would eventually fail to see it stands for several units, and miss the plural.

I have four last difficult words more before I review the UFOpaedia long texts.
I read the localization principle of not being better than the original text, but I try and avoid English words.
Every hand would be appreciated (not only French-speakers).

  • Containment
    When you read "containment", do you think primarily about a hold, a prison, or about exo-athmospheares, biologic or radiative hazard, and leak-proof seals?

    Current translation:
    Unité de détention / en:Custody


    fr:Unité de confinement / en:Containment Unit
    fr:Confinement / en:Containment

    fr:Unité de confinement is too long for the button (v2.5), but could be used in the UFOpaedia sections, and mails.
    fr:Confinement would be used for the button, although less correct (elliptical).
  • Hovernet:
    I guess that's a construct from HOVERcraft+horNET, am I correct?
    Furthermore, the autopsy report tells that it's air-lifted, and as it lacks a skirt, I expect the hovering to be more akin to that resulting from a jet pack (powerful air stream), than that achieved with a air cushion.
    Now, en:Hovercraft is fr:Aéroglisseur ("airglider").

    Current translation:
    none (Hovernet)

    fr:Aérobot / en:Hoverbot (HOVERcraft+roBOT)
    fr:Aérodrone / en:Hoverdrone (HOVERcraft+DRONE)
    fr:Lévidrone / en:Levidrone (LEVItating DRONE)
    fr:Lévitron / en:Levitron (LEVItating + TRON suffix (aka apparatus)
    fr:Bourdon / en:Drone (as in bee drone)
    fr:Frelon / en:Hornet
    fr:Frelbot / en:HORNet+roBOT?

    Aérodrone sounds too much like Aérodrome (small airfield)
    Bourdon and Frelon would be surnames by the troopers, because of the buzzing sound it emits, but they look "childish".

    This would become Aérobot de combat, etc.
  • Plasma Blaster:
    What is a "blaster"? Well, what is the purpose of this weapon, if not emitting plasma bubbles like the smaller versions?

    Current translation:
    none  (Blaster plasma)

    fr:Igniteur à plasma / en:Plasma Igniter = Blaster?
    fr:Lance à plasma   / en:Plasma Lance
    fr:Torche à plasma / en:Plasma Torch = Plasma Gun
    fr:Lance-plasma / en: Plasmathrower  (same construct as Flamethrower)
    fr:Mitrailleuse à plasma / en:Plasma Machine Gun

    Plasma Torch and Plasma Lance are the same (nowadays: cutting torch)
    Also, "to blast away" is a synonym to "to strafe" or "to machine gun".
  • Canon: as in Particle Beam Canon, and as opposed to Particle Beam Rifle.
    Firstly, such words like canon and gun are unknown in French for hand-held weaponry (for centuries, at least). For firearms we have the roughly equivalent of rifle and carbine, plus the machine gun.

    Current translation:
    none (canon)

    fr:Désintégrateur à faisceau de particules / en:Particle Beam Disintegrator
    fr:Disrupteur à faisceau de particules / en:Particle Beam Disruptor
    fr:Projecteur de faisceau de particules / en:Particle Beam Projector

    Projector could fit for a weapon that emits a fist-wide beam, enough to sewer a limb or to cut a man in two.
    Disintegrator and Disruptor simply account for the massive and devastating effects of wide area, atomic-scale, cinetic impacts, as compared to a PB Rifle that would be "only" equivalent to an impaling spear.

Also, an additional  note for translators about another "false friend":

en:Machine gun is not fr:mitrailleuse given the context, imo.
In French, a light hand-held automatic gun is a fr:fusil mitrailleur, and a en:submachine gun (SMG) is a fr:mitraillette or a fr:pistolet mitrailleur if one handed. Light machine guns are characterized by a heavy barrel that may sustain continuous autofire (as opposed to light barrel assault riffles). Another criteria to differentiate between light and medium machine guns, besides the weight, is that the heavier models may have a removable barrel to let it cool down, although one may figure a light machine gun to have this feature as well.

So let's say that for a mass between 5 kg and 10 kg, it's a fr:fusil mitrailleur.
Around 20 kg, only Rambo could use it, and it's a fr:mitrailleuse (en:medium/heavy machine gun) that should be used for UGVs (heavy machine gun), except if it's a caliber larger than 20 mm (it would become fr:autocanon).
« Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 11:59:49 pm by Rodmar »

Offline Damyen

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #39 on: July 21, 2016, 09:00:58 pm »

As I am reviewing the french translation (a patch will be submitted in about 1 week or 2; please wait...), I will add short comments concerning the previous post:

1- I strongly prefer "Unité de detention" : shorter; more suited to the interface; no surprise regarding previous versions of the game; and aliens are still prisonners, so meaning is correct.

2- Aérobot : very good ;) I will use it.

3- Blaster: Not convinced by the other proposals; I would keep blaster, as I prefer an english word rather than an approximate translation; besides "lance" might suggest a close quarter battle weapon (and this is not).

4- Canon: not convinced ("Désintégrateur" or "Projecteur" are quite good, but "quite" is not enough imho).

Regarding the note: I'll also try to remove "mitrailleuse" whenever it is not accurate.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #40 on: August 03, 2016, 01:28:28 am »
Well, about en:Plasma Blaster, "Blaster" is an approximate word in English anyways (ask an English-speaking people what it means...), and you shouldn't be refrained from using fr:Lance plasma because it's precisely the French expression for a plasma cutter (or torch) in the industry (no spear there), except it's not a weapon, and the beam's length is very short.

You should submit your patch before mine because I'm not done with some long text in the UFOpaedia yet, and I have to go on vacations for some weeks.
Anyways, you may have a look at my unfinished work if it may help yours. It's based on a v2.4 version that was never uploaded. Just rename the attached file as ufoai.po, open it in poedit and save, put the resulting in the install directory (save the current before).

Your advice about en:Bolter Rifle and en:Coilgun is welcome.
For the Bolter, I went for fr:Fusil électromagnétique (could be a shorter fr:Fusil électrique, or a more litteral fr:Lance-trait électrique (fr:Baliste électrique!!!), or a more familiar fr:Fusil électromag). Note that en:Railgun was not chosen.
For the en:Coilgun, I went for fr:Fusil à induction (could be fr:Fusil magnétique or fr:Fusil de Gauss (but why isn't it a en:Gauss Cannon?)

Offline Damyen

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #41 on: August 03, 2016, 11:37:37 pm »
1- "Blaster" : I know that the french "lance à plasma" is a tool, that cuts and doesn't fire projectiles at all; thus, I wouldn't recommend it as a good translation for a range weapon. Should we translate it, I would pay more attention to something like "<Truc> à plasma", where <Truc> would be the name of an existing weapon (even outdated, like "Arquebuse à plasma"? or "Tromblon à plasma"?) or a new word that gives the "feeling" of what a blast is ("Exploseur à plasma" ?); "blaster" could also be changed in "blasteur" (like "container", sometimes spelled "containeur" in french). That said, I played other games where blaster was not translated and could live with it.

2- I submitted a patch a few days ago (n° 5601; see I am afraid, I don't understand your point: I fear that v2.4 translations could prove obsolete now, and searching to match these 3 years old entries with the new ones is way to much work... (note : moreover, I cannot unzip your file).

3- "Bolter" & "coilgun": present translation are "fusil Bolter" & "canon électromagnétique"; it seemed ok because I thought that "Bolter" was a surname (B, uppercase) & "canon électromagnétique" was fine. But if you want to change them with "fusil électromagnétique" & "fusil à induction", please do. This is quite a lot of work (names of the weapons + ufopeadia articles that contains cross-references + ammunitions).

Offline DarkRain

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #42 on: August 04, 2016, 06:23:11 am »
Re. Blaster: Besides "a violent explosion"  a blast also means "a violent gust" or more generally "a mass of gas, liquid, etc. moving quickly and forcefully through the air" so in essence the plasma blaster is indeed a plasma blower or plasma launcher.

That said, the context: Originally the Blaster was envisioned as the plasma equivalent of a heavy machine gun — yes HMG, it was originally meant to only be usable by the super humanly strong Ortnoks, by soldiers in power armour or mounted in UGVs — but as of now that has been abandoned and the blaster is now meant to be the plasma equivalent of a shotgun, or rather the alien idea of a short range weapon.

As for the Particle Beam Canon, it was originally envisioned as essentially hand held artillery (same usage limitations as for the original Plasma Blaster above, which aren't implemented — at least not yet), so yes it was meant to be very much an actual canon of sorts.

Re. Bolter and coilgun: seems to me like Bolter is a reference to the gun of Warhammer 40k fame, in game it is indeed described as a railgun. As for coilgun, it seems that coilgun and Gauss rifle/canon are generally used as synonyms everywhere I've ever seen them terms used.

Offline Rodmar

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #43 on: August 04, 2016, 06:37:23 pm »
I can't play the game anymore until some few weeks...

About v2.4, it was just to say I didn't start from nowhere (as regards to some translation choices).
The file I provide above is v2.5 of course, and not to be uncompressed. This forum prevents from uploading any file besides a few extensions, such as .zip, .jpeg, etc. You just have to change ".zip" into ".po" in order to poedit it.

I'd recommend that you use it as a base of your own work, depending on how advanced it is, that is. How do I dare :) ?
It's because I made it compliant with a few writing rules that were not implemented in the current version, and that don't depend on the translation process proper:
- capitals with diacritics;
- gender invariability of acronyms ('OVNIs' doesn't exist in French);
- double space before double punctuation (; : ! ?);
- correct, non fantasy military rank (French ones);
also, I added several comments in the .po file to warn about multiple use of same string in game.

I also lately decided to get rid from all the "alien" entries (to have a try while playing): we could have stood with the substantives, but there are many qualifiers (alien, alienne) as well. So I went for "extraterrestre" (short: "ET"), and sometimes for "envahisseur". That said, I wouldn't mind if some of the actors would speak about "aliens", but Paul Navarre seems to be the only Canadian or French in the HQ. Perhaps, Doc Connor could tell about "aliens" instead of "extraterrestres".

Back to the weapons:

1- "Blaster" : your comment and Darkrain's make it obvious that it should be more a "Lance-plasma" (like "Flamethrower") than a "Lance à plasma" (the torch). I like "Tromblon à plasma" (Plasma Blunderbuss) too, and that would make for Darkrain's "Plasma Shotgun". As for weapon names, they aren't displayed in buttons and likewise short text container so that we don't really need short names. Ammunitions name may be too long and abbreviated with "..." but it's already the case in English, and that's the kind of adjustment that may be done when v2.6 GUI is tested.
Still, I feel like the various fire modes don't help currently in translating "Blaster" properly (the weapon retains mid-range beam attacks).

2- "Particle Beam Canon": I guess it could be "Canon à faisceaux de particules", the shortest we may have if we keep "faisceaux".

3- "Bolter" & "Coilgun": as Darkrain says, a coilgun is not an electric rifle, and I think that current translation is wrong. An electric or electromagnetic rifle is a weapon where electric current is mandatory for it to work. In a coilgun, the coils (electromagnets) could be replaced by magnets, although the weapon should then be revisited (it's hard to have magnets change their polarity). It functions based on induction of AC currents inside the isolated missile (or its sabot), and an attraction-repulsion magnetic effect, the inductors being the coils around the barrel, fed by switched or AC currents. On the other hand, the "Bolter" or "Laplace Gun" or "Rail Gun" (as far the current UFOpaedia description is the right one), needs a DC current running in the rails and in the sabot of the missile. The magnets around the barrel could be DC coils by the way. It's basically a linear DC motor. That's why I believe there's no ambiguity with "Electromagnetic Rifle" and "Magnetic Rifle".
That said, "Bolter" is a surname if I remember the Ufopaedia article, that would be translated in Latin by "Ballista" (litt. "Bolt Thrower"). Note that the weapon fires a small, light dart. Are you ready for "Baliste électromagnétique", however?

4- What about "Bloodspider" and "Combat Bloodspider"? "Araignée sanguinaire" and "Araignée sanguinaire de combat" are very long and we get "..." all over the place. Given that they are named by the soldiers, we could have "Araignée sanguinaire" and "Araignée de combat", or "Arachnoïde" and "Arachnoïde de combat" (or even "Arachne"...) which are shorter than the current version.

Offline Damyen

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Re: translation in french
« Reply #44 on: August 04, 2016, 10:40:58 pm »
Hello. Many points here :)

A- Writing rules: don't worry, I am quite familiar with french writing "rules"; all capitals are with diacritics (Ç, É, Œ, À...), quotes use the « and », spaces are put before double punctuation, acronyms are not with plurals (or these are remaining misprints), military ranks were checked (they were correct before I made any change to the po. file), etc.

B- "alien/alienne", "extraterrestre", and "envahisseur": I left some "alien/alienne", and used many "extraterrestre(s)" and few "envahisseur(s)". I don't think we should get rid of all "alien/alienne" in the game. Ancient wisdom teaches us that "Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien" and, imho, to many repetitions of "extraterrestre" in a single sentence is more ugly than a rather reasonable use of differents words, even of english (or alien:)) origin; please keep in mind that mixing words is a naturel process in all natural languages.

C- .po file: Sorry, I should have read you more carefully.

1- Blaster: I wouldn't go for "lance-plasma" because this generic word could apply to all other weapons (after all, a "pistolet à plasma" is also a "lance-plasma"... ok, a light one). According to your comments and Darkrain's, I would choose "Fusil-mitrailleur à plasma" (cf. "Originally the Blaster was envisioned as the plasma equivalent of a heavy machine gun"); or, as it seems very very heavy, "Mitrailleuse à plasma"; or "Tromblon à plasma" or "Arquebuse à plasma" (cf. the short range). I let Darkrain and you choose.

2- In the .po file, I don't have any "Particle Beam Canon"; I have a "Particle Beam Weapon" instead -> "Arme à faisceau de particules"

3- As i told you, neutral with this point. I totaly disagree with "Balliste", which refers to a siege weapon. I like "Fusil Bolter", "Fusil magnétique", "Fusil électromagnétique", and "Fusil à induction", but as Darkrain said, "As for coilgun, it seems that coilgun and Gauss rifle/canon are generally used as synonyms everywhere I've ever seen them terms used", and I will let someone else deal with this point because I don't really have time to check everywhere.

4- Neutral as well. I think soldiers would say "Araignée" and "Araignée sanguinaire", but scientits that studied the beast could say "Arachnoïde" just to remind that this is a mechanical device. I would let the current translation, which sounds more lively imo, but could live with other names.