Development > Artwork
Export blender vegetation models to md2
It would be nice if someone could please export the models in this blender file into the md2 format (with the correct scale and centered to 0,0,0) (for the scale just import one of the existing md2 files)
Thanks a lot.
If you don't mind waiting a day (today I've got a lot of other stuff to do outside of UFO:AI), I can take care of it.
If anyone else wants to do it sooner, please remember to export just one animation frame - the default MD2 export script for Blender will export many frames, resulting in a much larger MD2 file.
(IIRC there is a single-frame export config file somewhere in the trunk, in one of the folders, to avoid this issue and make it easier.)
that would be cool - thanks - i'm waiting
here are the models that we have to replace - i hope some of them would fit
How does this look for the scale of the trees (compared to the soldier)?
compared to all our other trees a little bit too big imo ;)
btw. it would be nice if you could also split them to the several levels if they are going to get bigger - see the fir md2 model in the objects/vegetations directory.
thanks a lot
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