Trouble is that as long as you penetrate the armor on the spider, it's going to do all sorts of nasty things to the unprotected internals.
DO NOT CHANGE THE RELOAD RATE. It's impossible to fire and reload on the same turn as it is. That would mean that like the Rocket Launcher the sniper rifle would go from being a situationally useful weapon, (Due to the high fire cost triggering reaction fire) to being a shoot once, drop it weapon.
My point was not to reduce the power of the sniper riffle today provided. But I was thinking about making it less missing in the future (when conventional usage is done). But it would possibly increase his usage if nothing comes in balance, for instance (like rocket launcher it's true) a more frequent need to reload. But only if the developpers accept to give the sniper his long range absolute vocation.
To say truth I find the sniper we have very good, and well enough regarding the fact if it was strong too much I wouldn't research laser weapons or further things, and would keep only sniping.
Wathever I would like to salute here 2 things that in fact decide the gameplay more than the weapon strenght :
1 - the need to save civilians because, you can always survive yourself hiding and sniping but aliens will run after civilians and you will lose the game.
2 - the fact that you can't except to use sniper riffle at short range without the high risk you'll be shot by reaction fire before you just take the time to aim

I experimented that often enought and i admit that's justice .
FPS isn't a good source for realism.
And reality, snipers don't aim for the head. A torso shot from modern sniper rifle is as lethal as headshot and provides larger target.
Of course for human, I think it must be lethal enough to hit torso. But facing aliens, witch body seems so plastic or glue, the only thing you should aim should be the nervous center, so the head. Add to that consideration the need to make decisive usage of TUs because if you dont kill in one turn, you give aliens the chance to turn the next round to their advantage.