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Author Topic: Ideas for Equipment/Maps in RC5 or later  (Read 3738 times)


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Ideas for Equipment/Maps in RC5 or later
« on: September 02, 2006, 10:23:35 am »
First of all:2.0-RC4 is greatI've played the X-Mas-Special and Technical Demo 2,but RC4 is a jump to the 4th Dimension.

Some suggestions/questions for RC5 or later:
Simple binoculars which extends the view range for a single soldier.
Simple Round shield(RS)
Cover-Shields are similar to that ones which are already used today by special units.
A small and easy to use shield,which protects head and trunk of light weapons light pistol shots and knifes.The shield is one handed,reduced the probability to be hit by 45% and doesn't affect moving speed.
Advanced Shield(AS)
This shield is larger,one handed,but slows down moving speed a little.The tungsten-copper alloy allows protection against small and medium weapons like Plasma Rifles.Probability to be hit is reduced by 60% while standing,by 90% while kneeling.
Electrostatic Shiled(ES)
Especially build to stop plasma weapons,the ES more a carriable electrode than a shield.The electric field created in front of it repels all plasma particels,but every other weapons just passes it.Cover area is 3m wide,hit probability for plasma is reduced by 100%.
A small device which carrys some drugs that double the TUs for one round,but lowers the accuracy.Has to be applied before the first turn(just doubles the remaining TUs!).

If a soldier is hit by a Kerrblade,you just hear the attack,but not the reaction by the soldier(or are they that tough that nothing,even not the smallest whisper leaves their lips?;))
same as above(or just too quiet?)

It seems to me,that the aliens during a mission don't have a plan like "kill all civilians" or so.They just try to kill everybody,but never show any aim.Is this true?
Civilian-CommandoIt would be nice,if a soldier is close to a civilian and this one is not in panic that one can give a simple commando to bring them in safety.(like "move to there" or something)

Some ideas for future maps:
The UN building is attacked by aliens.The team arrives 4 rounds before the attackers,has some time to prepare and has to defend all aliens.Three or four times more attackers are coming,using weapons which make large holes!
An alien assassin tries to kill a special "civilian",which has to be protected.Evil:The alien uses a kind a cloaking technology which makes it invisible if more than 4m away...
Thanksgiving for aliens
A bus with tourist has be stopped,and 10 or 20 of them are captured for a "happy-alien-dinner".The team is right near the alien ship deployed,and has to stop the aliens.Everthing explosive should stay at home,because the aliens move between the civilians...(place at 4.11 in campain  :twisted:  )
A small alien ship crashed in the jungle,only one unarmed alien survived.A special artefact,which is important for the invaders is also there.So the alien and the artefact must be caught.The situation becomes more complicated when a rescue team from the aliens(very very well equiped) and some human criminals(civilians with weapons!)arrive...


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Ideas for Equipment/Maps in RC5 or later
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 11:49:49 am »
Some more ideas:

During the time of the pharaos in Egypt,a small alien ship landed.The alien was a scout,looking for new fields.He was catched and locked into the pyramide.
Today,some Aliens entered a pyramide and trying to find his equipment and informations.Inside are a lot of traps,not only the old one,but also some "gifts" from the Aliens,are waiting for the team.
Hidden Base (for Invasion Stage)
A small alien base was somewhere on a small island found.New weapons and numerous ships are there.A lot of new technology could be collected,but the facility is very well guarded and an selft destruction timer(30rounds approx.) is activated.
Steel factory
A lot of heat is needed by a special new race of the aliens,which would be used during the final invasion.So they've captured a hole steel factory,and wait for their new warriors(Cyborg Ortnok?).You've got 15 rounds to stop the process.The molten steel caused severe damage to everybody who comes to close(or tries to walk trough:)


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Re: Ideas for Equipment/Maps in RC5 or later
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2006, 03:02:06 pm »
Quote from: "Kerner"
Civilian-CommandoIt would be nice,if a soldier is close to a civilian and this one is not in panic that one can give a simple commando to bring them in safety.(like "move to there" or something)

That would be great. I've had problems on some maps (the dam map for example), when the civilians just run away from my team, towards the aliens. It's quite annoying.

Offline Bandobras

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Ideas for Equipment/Maps in RC5 or later
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2006, 02:50:51 am »
Your ideas are excellent. I like especially the equipment-related ones. Could you write them down on the wiki page [[Proposed]], I've just prepared especially for you? Thank you.


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Ideas for Equipment/Maps in RC5 or later
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2006, 03:27:45 am »
Equipment is typed in.Whats about the Maps/KI/Sound stuff?
Is the description for the Equipment ok?

Offline Bandobras

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Ideas for Equipment/Maps in RC5 or later
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2006, 04:22:41 pm »
Yes, the equipment is typed in right (with small tweaks by me), thank you. I now see the shields are not likely to fit the setting as seen by the storyline guys --- oh, well, perhaps they will be useful for some mods later on.

There is a map section on the wiki, though I don't know what's there, exactly. Other ideas might be fiiled as Feature Requests on SourceForge, once you checked other Feature Requests.


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Ideas for Equipment/Maps in RC5 or later
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2006, 10:29:07 am »
I would borrow some things from other games that I've played.

How about arming some civilians with cool but useles weapons. I proposed this on the wiki as well:

Civilian "weapons":

Axe, Baseball bat, Magnum (Dirty Harry's gun, with one bullet left)  :P , Double Barrel Shotgun

As I said on an other post, I would like some missions with other goal rather than kill all aliens, while no civilians get hurt. Some ideas:

# An UFO has landed for minor repairs. Get a scientist and have him plant a tracking device in the UFO, than return your squad to the dropship. (timed mission, after X turns the UFO takes off)

# An UFO has crashlanded somewhere. It's reactor is about to go critical. You have X minutes/turns to get to the UFO and download any data you can from its computer / recover some component, like Elerium. (you have to bring a scientists along)

I think the game and tactical missions would be much more interesting and less repetitive if the squad could include a scientist, a doctor or an engineer. One could be useful in disabling a forcefield, operating psi devices, healing, operating alien hardware... disabling traps, etc.
Besides, an actor should have more stats, like science, pilot (for piloting aircrafts), medicine, xenobiology, etc.

I would also like some similar sounds with X-Com. The screams and footsteps were great.