General > Discussion
Well done!
I want to let you know that I think the team behind this game has made an excellent job. I am very impressed that an open source project can accomplish a game like this.
I was a big fan of the original game and had a special relation to 'Terror from the deep'. Currently I am playing version 2.3 on Windows and I have experienced no bugs or wierd behaviors other then the known issue of returning fire.
Keep up the good work!
Thx on behalf of the team :)
By the way, I have started a campaign, but I dont know what difficulty I chose. Where do find that? Can I find it?
If you didn't explicitely change it, I would assume it's 'standard' difficulty.
Well your answer was not an answer, was it ;)
For instance if I start one campaign on difficulty x and use slot 0-3 for saving that campaign and then I start a second campaign on difficulty y and use the rest of the slots in that campaign. Then for this to work the information about difficulty must be somewhere in *.savx. Is that true?
If that is false, then where can I find it?
Kind regards
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