General > Discussion

ERROR: CL_GenerateCharacter: no type given for generation of empl_robot employee

(1/2) > >>

This error somehow appears when i build my 1st base. It then doesn't go to that base, but stays in the geoscape and asks for building it, and so on, and so on... I've built 10 bases, but when i press save, it writes: Could not save, because there is nothing to save (it means i didn't even build a base, but i have 10 of them).

Sorry for this, but i will write 4 posts, because the files are WAY too big.

Console after making 10 bases:


Console after saving


--- Quote from: PAUL1UZ5 on August 04, 2010, 10:16:47 am ---Sorry for this, but i will write 4 posts, because the files are WAY too big.

--- End quote ---

No need for additional images, the

--- Code: ---ERROR: CL_GenerateCharacter: no type given for generation of empl_robot employee

--- End code ---

error stopped the base building in the middle. It must be due one of your hacks....



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