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Author Topic: Suggestion for fixing medkit healing problem  (Read 2492 times)

Offline kacjax

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Suggestion for fixing medkit healing problem
« on: August 10, 2010, 09:45:55 pm »
How about putting in a new hidden stat called constitution that starts out equal to health but gets damaged at maybe one fourth the rate. When the soldier is healed with a medkit his health should only go up to the current constitution, but his constitution can only be healed at base. All soldiers should be auto healed at the end of each mission. As it makes sense that the soldiers would heal each other as much as possible after a mission.

The least disruptive way to implement this should be to set constitution as equal to current health at the beginning of each mission. Each time the soldier is shot calculate health normally, and subtract 1/4 from the constitution. When the soldier is healed with a medkit maximum health should be constitution. At the end of mission set current health as equal to constitution, unless of course the soldier died.

In the end it will not be visible on the stats screen as it is the same as current health when out of battle

This idea may or may not be useful in the long term with the complex goal for the health system, but it would require very little code to make it work. Perhaps as little as twenty lines of code. I think it would make a good short term solution. Reply if interested in a more detailed explanation or to critique.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 09:44:55 am by kacjax »