Technical support > Linux
Save Game Bug -> any Workaround ?
--- Quote from: Maybe on July 20, 2010, 06:05:57 pm ---there's no /saves folder anywhere to find....
problem compiling ?
shopuld I just create one ? what permissions are needed ?
ufoconsole.log is found where ?
sorry for those dumb questions.
--- End quote ---
No problem. Paths are described in our FAQ[/faq].
On unixes filenames with dot (like .ufoai) are hidden, switch 'show hidden files' option in your filebrowser if needed.
If you still can't see any saves, check the userdir while the game running. I'm sure the game doesn't remove them. Maybe some system cleanup program??
Did you say you can reload them if didn't exit the game?
Hey there,
finally found out: gotta start the game not only with
but with
sudo ./ufo
now saving / loading all works fine.
thanks again
Lew Yard:
That makes no sense unless that was how you started running it...
'sudo chown -R yourusername .ufo'
to restore ownership...
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