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Renamed nation makes errors

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I am just saying it as a joke, no worries m8 ;)

Remember this game is under heavy development so I suggest if you are modding or changing something do not ask the developers to help, we do not want to waste their precious time off such issues. Just figure it out by yourself I think its not hard to figure it out what is wrong  8)


--- Quote from: tzzimy on July 19, 2010, 12:24:37 pm ---I am just saying it as a joke, no worries m8 ;)

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I know this is a joke, because i wrote the "Good one! ;D".



--- Quote from: PAUL1UZ5 on July 19, 2010, 11:43:03 am ---Hello, i have renamed Russia (i hate it!) to Lithuania and when i enter the battlefield i get back to the geoscape mode... The error is that the game can't find team "lithuania", i don't get it!

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In Soviet Russia, program hacks you!


--- Quote from: dfscott on July 19, 2010, 03:53:56 pm ---In Soviet Russia, program hacks you!

--- End quote ---

What do you mean? ???


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