General > Discussion
Renamed nation makes errors
Hello, i have renamed Russia (i hate it!) to Lithuania and when i enter the battlefield i get back to the geoscape mode... The error is that the game can't find team "lithuania", i don't get it!
--- Quote from: PAUL1UZ5 on July 19, 2010, 11:43:03 am ---Hello, i have renamed Russia (i hate it!) to Lithuania and when i enter the battlefield i get back to the geoscape mode... The error is that the game can't find team "lithuania", i don't get it!
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What have you hacked??
Only name of the nation.
I guess Russia does not like you either... ;)
--- Quote from: tzzimy on July 19, 2010, 12:15:15 pm ---I guess Russia does not like you either... ;)
--- End quote ---
Good one! ;D
P.S. They have attacked us 19 years ago on january 13th. :(
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