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I want more bases and installations, but how to do it?

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--- Quote from: geever on July 28, 2010, 02:23:21 pm ---

Note that muton's compiler is a 3th-party tool, not officially supported by the Team. If you have any question about how it works, ask it's author!


--- End quote ---

I have asked him... Now i need to wait... is what i was talking about! It is only for dev versions, so how to do it with stable source?


--- Quote from: PAUL1UZ5 on July 28, 2010, 08:27:53 pm ---I have asked him... Now i need to wait... is what i was talking about! It is only for dev versions, so how to do it with stable source?

--- End quote ---

Hmm? What is "dev" and "stable" for you?

On the image included in that guide there is an option for 2.3 and 2.4 sources.


Stable version is the release version, and dev version is developer version with debug options... who doesn't know?

And somewhy the source that was with the game didn't "fit" the compiler's requirements, since there wasn't some kind of item...

Fixed and done: i checked the 2.3 dev version option, and i think it should work! So thank you all for helping with my small problem and questions, which might have annoyed you, i will compile and play now!
Last edit: got an error 9 which led to ufo2map...

The map compiling is way too slow...

Well I guess you should look for mods releases !
I mean every while and then , there are releases of mods which provide you "MORE" of the game!



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