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Game completion


Scott F:
Is it just me or does version 2.2.1 finish with a lot of unfinished business? The end credits suddenly appeared when I could have sworn there was still a ton of things to do. The game continued after in that time passed and I received money each month but no more aliens or research to do. Is the game being extended in later versions?

This is awesome, so I hope so!


--- Quote from: Scott F on July 16, 2010, 10:11:25 am ---Is it just me or does version 2.2.1 finish with a lot of unfinished business? The end credits suddenly appeared when I could have sworn there was still a ton of things to do. The game continued after in that time passed and I received money each month but no more aliens or research to do. Is the game being extended in later versions?

This is awesome, so I hope so!

--- End quote ---

yes. 2.3 is already released and we continue developing.



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