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Still hopeful but disappointed

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--- Quote from: ManicMiner on July 15, 2010, 07:16:12 pm ---"Dash it all, Ginger, the beggar's only got particle beam weaponry. How utterly unsporting, he could at least give me a chance to shoot back. Strewth, that shot nearly took my handlebar off! Oh... and now it's lasers, eh? SWINE! This is just too much. Pass me the Very pistol, I'm going to teach this rude little Ortnok a lesson in fair play..."

--- End quote ---


Haha ManicMiner I couldn't agree more with you there xD

I just rageuninstalled though over:

- Map: Alien Landing - Industrial
- 10+ aliens spread across the map with better armor, better weapons, better accuracy, lots more time units than me
- All placed on roofs and in complex buildings so they can pop out and take out any of my guys with a single shot
- While any of mine need to spend 1-2 units full TUs to take out an enemy
- I can't afford to have even one person die, because they are supposed to advance for 100 missions before they get good and they've only done 50
- And the good old "when any of my units move, reaction fire has them kill any of my other guys single shot on the first round, while I don't have any reactions whatsoever"
- 2 hours wasted.
Sorry, it is far too masochistic for me, I will have to wait until there is an 'easy mode' or autocomplete works :)

That was easy level? What will you do on hard level? ;D
Ye I know, but that specific map is easy to handle if you hide your units before attacking the aliens. It will take 4 to 6 rounds to place your units before you are able to go on the roofs and take them out safely.

My personal hated map is Big City. "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide" from Iron Maiden fits perfectly with this map where you bound to meet aliens on each floor stair... I hate that map... I will just do auto missions there on hard level!  :P

tzzimy, that map is also easy to do when you know how. Basically the aliens always start on the top floor and come down from the stairs closest to your ship. So you send your troops to the next floor from ground and hide them behind the pillars and corners, near the stairs. Make sure you take at least one trooper with grenade launcher because sometimes 3-5 aliens are grouped together at the stairs entrance. One burst and multiple aliens dead ;D. Also leave one trooper with IR goggles to the ground floor to scan for aliens' locations near the stairs.


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