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Reaction fire in 2.3


Loving the new release so far apart from 1 extremely annoying problem, Rection fire rarely seems to work. At first I tough it was just me being a fool and screwing up by reserving TU's instead of reaction fire, but I did a Skirmish game where I lined 4 soliders up, alien pops out, fires 5 shots and kills a guy, and in return one of my troops fires and misses completely, this was an improvment on the campagin where my guys wouldn't shoot back at all. Same turn a bloodspider waltz's up and down in front of my guys nibbles at one of their boots and walks the longest way back in my soliders FOV. Is there a bug with reaction fire or am I missing somthing here?

Edit: Looking on the other pages I see I am not the only one with this problem, sorry for creating new topic.


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