Technical support > Mac

2.3 - Crash Upon Starting Campaign


System Specifications:
2007 Macbook Pro (2 GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM)
Mac OS 10.6.4

Glitchy graphics, followed by a crash, after the campaign introduction, but before the Geoscape appears.

Attempted Resolution #1:
Set the display resolution to the native 1440x900, and switched to full-screen. No luck - the crash reoccurs.

Attempted Resolution #2:
The same as attempt #1, but additionally disabling GLSL shaders. Mixed results; the game now sometimes crashes on launch, but at other times I can start a new campaign and get to the Geoscape.


--- Quote from: Sangel on July 03, 2010, 09:36:18 pm ---System Specifications:
2007 Macbook Pro (2 GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM)
Mac OS 10.6.4

Glitchy graphics, followed by a crash, after the campaign introduction, but before the Geoscape appears.

Attempted Resolution #1:
Set the display resolution to the native 1440x900, and switched to full-screen. No luck - the crash reoccurs.

Attempted Resolution #2:
The same as attempt #1, but additionally disabling GLSL shaders. Mixed results; the game now sometimes crashes on launch, but at other times I can start a new campaign and get to the Geoscape.

--- End quote ---

define crash! ufoconsole log? stacktrace?
or give me a 2007 MacBook Pro to reproduce :P


Unfortunately, the UFO console-log appears to be overwritten with each new launch... and I can't seem to reproduce the bug by turning GLSL shaders back on. Very bizarre. I will be sure to capture the log on future crashes.

While the game is no longer crashing, I am experiencing two further issues:

#1 - No Sound
I currently have no sound or music. Perhaps because of this line "2010/07/03 15:17:03 ... could not load ogg vorbis support"
I am attaching my log to this post. Any suggestions on fixes are welcome - is there a library that I need to download and install?

#2 - 3D Geoscape does not display properly
The entire earth appears to be in night mode simultaneously, rather than one half being lit by the sun. I am attaching a screenshot where the sun's position should produce both day and night effects.

I am attaching the log from my latest run:

try to increase the geoscape ambient lighting in the options menu


--- Quote from: Mattn on July 03, 2010, 10:55:53 pm ---try to increase the geoscape ambient lighting in the options menu

--- End quote ---
Increasing the ambient lighting setting to maximum increases the intensity of the lights, but does not appear to resolve the night/day issue. See attached screenshot.

Fortunately, the game is still playable using the 2D geoscape - though I think it might be worth tweaking the UI while in 2D mode so that you can scroll with a more intuitive left/right arrow setup, rather than the 3D-focused globe-spinning interface.


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