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Author Topic: Can the music be customized?  (Read 4665 times)

Offline Precisionist

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Can the music be customized?
« on: July 02, 2010, 08:55:30 pm »
I've always loved the music in the Xcoms, but there is one track in this game that's a bit annoying ;).  It sounds like some arena-rock tune, and for some reason it plays about twice as loud as all the other music tracks (and some of the tracks play too quiet).  I like my rock as much as the next guy, but for me the music in an Xcom game like this needs to be ambient, or at most a background techno beat.  Anyways I know with a game like Elder Scrolls: Oblivion I could go in and add or delete music files in different situational folders, and customize the music to my own tastes.  I'm pretty big into New Age and Celtic music, and find I work the best (and play the best) with it.

Just wanted to see if anyone else has done this, as I dont want to start moving files around and break something.

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Can the music be customized?
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 11:22:23 pm »
I haven't done this but from looking the files a bit I think you should either replace (delete the old and copy something over with the same name) the ones you don't like or add new ones to the 0music.pk3 and then change the music.ufo file to include them in their relevant playlists.

PS: To Devs: Do the tracks that are in the aircombat list actually play during dogfights?
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 11:33:57 pm by Hertzila »

Offline TDarklighter

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Re: Can the music be customized?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2010, 12:58:07 am »
I had to take out the ufo2 track.  It was just too loud, too frequent, and began to grate on my nerves when I'd have to hear it looping for ten minutes while I worked on my soldiers' gear and stuff.  However, I think it's going to be necessary to put a file of some sort in its place because my game crashed today, total lockup.  Couldn't even drop back to desktop.  Ironically, the crash happened right after I downed a UFO and was prepping a ground assault to go pick up the pieces.

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Can the music be customized?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2010, 03:22:09 am »
Or modify the music.ufo file to remove ufo2 from any playlists. It's in the 0ufos.pk3. Just a basic text file by another name, so open with wordpad or notepad.