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primary vs. secondary weapons

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First, having great fun so far (had one of those "OMG - it's quarter 'til 3 and I have to go to work tomorrow!" moments last night :))

My question revolves around primary vs secondary weapons.  I noticed that certain weapons are listed as "primary" (e.g., Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher) while others are listed as "secondary" (e.g., Machine Pistol, Submachine Gun, Micro Shotgun).

Is there any specific qualities to being classified as primary vs secondary or is it just a convenient way to group the weapons?  I thought maybe the game was trying to hint that you shouldn't use an SMG as your main weapon or something.

Secondary weapons fit the holster, that's the main difference I think.

Well. If Your soldier is equiped with blast weapon, and You encouner enemy at point blank, specially in buliding, SMG on full auto  is far safer than granade/rocket :)

I think it's basically the usual difference between weapons aimed to be main weapons (primary) and weapons designed as backups (secondary). SMGs blur the line a lot and it really depends on the game where it will classify them.
But in UFO:AI I think it's based on what Sarin said: whether or not it fits into the holster (and will be much quicker to draw out). SMGs can work as primary for some time but at least when the aliens start using armor they're out.

Why weapons doesn't jam? It would help making secondary weapons more important as a element of tactics:)


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