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2.3 - progress of making game finishable

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Okay, I have moved on. I built second quarantanne facility in my main base and small hangar at "building base" Started to bulid starchaser. Meanwhile I have encountered Sheevars (bastard - scientists afer research say, they see like predator - in infrared o_0). Currently developing alien gas.

It's July (!) 2085 here and now I got the "alien strategy" research topic, but no email/message and in statistics, there is a "virus infection counter", but I have no clue, what it means.

Could you provide savegame?

I have similar problem - save attached.


--- Quote from: Majki-Fajki on July 12, 2010, 06:05:57 pm ---Meanwhile I have encountered Sheevars (bastard - scientists afer research say, they see like predator - in infrared o_0). Currently developing alien gas.

--- End quote ---

It will be easier to spot this ability of the Shevaar in 2.4...

2.4dev screenie:


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