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2.3 - progress of making game finishable

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Hello everybody

I have a question about finishing a game. I understand that game is still under development. Currently I reached a momen, when I have Universal Serum, both Taman and Ontrok researched. Game seems to has stopeed. One by one random missions with Tamans and Ontroks only, no Seevar alien. Is this a current border in development or I miss something?


--- Quote from: Majki-Fajki on June 28, 2010, 06:54:21 pm ---I have a question about finishing a game. I understand that game is still under development. Currently I reached a momen, when I have Universal Serum, both Taman and Ontrok researched. Game seems to has stopeed. One by one random missions with Tamans and Ontroks only, no Seevar alien. Is this a current border in development or I miss something?

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The 2.3 campaign a bit slower. You'll meet Sheevars and Bloodspiders too.

ps. To win the game you'll have to attack their base.



So I have to make some more ordinary missions and the correct scripts will launch?

Sorry - I don't want to bitch too hard, but what triggers another part of the game? It's really boring doing the same missions again, with no new techs.


--- Quote from: Majki-Fajki on June 28, 2010, 09:31:08 pm ---Sorry - I don't want to bitch too hard, but what triggers another part of the game? It's really boring doing the same missions again, with no new techs.

--- End quote ---

I don't know where exactly you are. But in general alien interests grow over time and some events are triggered by that. The easier level you play, the slower the alien interest grow..



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