Technical support > Linux

make pk3 Error Message

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Hi guys,
I got the same error when I run "make pk3" command. It says something about "#!/bin/sh zip can't find.." so I installed "zip" package and it works..
Debian Sid x64 and trunk 2.4...


It looks like it's trying to parse the entire argument list. Quite sure that that's a "glitch" in the makefile, though I have to admit that I don't really understand the makefile logic used. I expected a list iteration, but it looks like a completely expanded list is passed, which is then too large (over 5081 arguments at least).
A simple fix is to 'touch base/0pics.pk3' which will cause the makefile to skip the file during make. Afterwards you can manually execute
rm base/0pics.pk3
find base/pics base/materials -iname "*.tga" -o -iname "*.png" -o -iname "*.jpg" -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} zip -u9 base/0pics.pk3 {}
to recreate the pk3 file.



THX! Works like a charm!  :)


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