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If "PHALLANX" troops are the elite of the elite...

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i think its good as it is now, if you improve accuracy of the Soldiers it would be boring because all Aliens are shot at far distance by reaction Fire when they show up. Well increasing theyr hitpionts will perhaps fix that, but then there is the Problem that it will be very annoying if such an pushed-up Alien stepts through a door you covered with your team, gives a damn on your close range-reaction fire an kills half of your team before it runs out of time units.

In aftermath they used very strong aliens but that was gone over the top i remember one Alien Base-mission my whole team was shot by one Alien with plasma-Launcher before i had a chance to leave the startpoint or to even spot the alien.

One Way to fix maybe different kind of Aliens are more resistand to some kind of Damage so that you cant kill everything by using a Sniper. You would have to use different weapons and strategys to be successfull. Maybe some slime-Like Alien would be 95% resistant to tachyon an bullets but can be easyly burned by using plasma or explosives.

One explanation of the lack of accuracy could be that aliens have some Kind of psionical shielding that confuses Human brains and makes the ALiens more difficult to spot and to aim at.

You shouldn't be impressed by the perfect accuracy that Hollywood's snipers have. It's unrealistics at every level. A sniper rifle might have an effective range of 2km, but at so long distance simply the blood pressure can move the target half degree, which is about 2.5m. And our troops aren't in prone position...

Same ocurrs with the other weapons: an elite soldier have to train hours and hours (and hours and hours) to have a perfect accuracy at 25-50m in a field target with a rifle/pistol. But a quiet and clean field target isn't a guerrilla combat in a urban area with scary aliens shooting everywhere and the pressure to not hit a civilian.

Anyway, our troops were the elite of the elite 'when fighting against other humans'. The war against aliens is a new type of war that mankind hasn't known before, and the training that our soldiers can get in the past might not be the adecuate  :P

Effective combat distance for Snipers is 800m above that it is indeed pretty hard to hit even under good precondition (no wind or Rain) but under 800m it becomes pretty accurate. I disagree with you that you have to train that hard to hit a Target at 25-50m its pretty easy to hit a Target of Men size at that range even with a 9mm Pistol that isnt that Accurate at all, i tryed it myself and im not kind of trained Soldier  :D , but that is about standing targets, hitting a moving Target (and thats how it is in Combat-Situations) is much harder, hitting an running Enemy with Sniper RIfle at 800m moving horizontal or even diagonal to your Position is really really hard. Think of what you have to calculate. There the ballistic curve of the bullet, the time between shot and arrival and the relative speed of the target (you dont know how fast it moves actually you only can guess) then you have to compansate the wind and so on.... men shooting a moving Target over that distance is incretible difficult.

Yes, this being why snipers consider waiting 6 hours for a good shot to be "pretty quick." What we have in UFO:AI and the like are "Designated Marksmen" or "Battlefield Sniper." The person in the squad who's most accurate. The Dragunov SVD rifle in fact is designed for such a role, not a traditional sniper role.

Hell, a real sniper class could be like Researchers. You'd assign them, but not use them personally. If there's a spotting, you'd assign a sniper, then wait a while (he makes a Sniper check every hour?), and when you get a reply that he's in place you can send a mission. Every turn he'd make a Sniper check on every enemy and report their location to the team on a success. Maybe you'd even have a "SniperShot" option; he'd have one per rank or something, and it would be a free shot at 75% accuracy at any target. Or something like that.

But would that really add anything to the game? Probably not, no more than having a "mortarman" class doing a similar thing. I know that I wouldn't ask for it; I'd probably say it's against the meme of the game.

I know a few combat troops, and even more troops deployed to the sandbox for security duty. Like I said, our guys "can't hit for shi..." But the aliens aren't all that tactically savvy. Suppressing fire doesn't work as well as I'd expect... but even plasterboard walls block explosions and bullets. So in the end, despite details being inaccurate, the result is believably accurate.

As for being spooked by aliens... if they're elite, something like that would just piss our boys off LOL. And they'd love the big-headed aliens. "Hey Joe--" BLAT BLAT "--headshot LOL." "Cheater."  :D

Wether elite or not gameplay is too tough,
soldier with shotgun can easely miss
enemy in front of him/her ...


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