Hey guys.
Looks like a cool project you have going on, and i would love to see a new game in the
spirit of x-com.
Anyways I though i would help you out, and hopefully bring the games graphics up to par
with your new engine capabilities. If you will let me

I took the liberty to do some models and sketches.

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ImageShack.usThe models were done fairly quick and dirty and are not 100% complete, as i thought i
would hear what you thought before i spent too much time on them.
The Armor on the left in the model renders is the default "unarmored" BDU.
Its basically a jumpsuit with some light padding and minimal armor coverage.
I chose to add a little bit of armor to the suit, as to me it would seem kind of silly
to send elite troops into the field against an unknown threat, without any kind of
The model on the right is the combat armor. Its basically supposed to be a Vest, pads
and helmet, made of Kevlar/ceramic equivalents relevant to the time of the game
(spider-silk was mentioned on the wiki though that sounded more like it would be used in
fabrics?). And a heavy undersuit.
Partially inspired by sketches posted by user "Josh".

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ImageShack.usThe Nano composite armor, from the wiki sounded to me like a early attempt at replicating
the plating and exoskeleton used i alien armors, but falling a little short if its goal.
The suit consists of a tight under-suit, partially covered with nanosteel plating, and the whole
thing being supported by a light exoskeleton, enhancing the speed and firing stability
of the soldier.
I couldn't find any information on The Power armor, but i assumed it was based on the
same materials as the nano armor, but in a super-heavy version.
Complete closed-environment suit, with its massive weight supported by a heavy
Obviously very bulky.
Hope you like, but if not, feedback is always helpful