Technical support > Mac

Problem starting/opening game

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Downloading...installed 2.3.0 - OMG NO SOUND!!! Your right! Well...I guess it is better than nothing.

Darn, that means if I can't hear the sound, how am I supposed to give credit to the sound and music composers? That really sucks. The composers are not getting any credit for their hard effort they put in this game for mac people! =( Oh well. I'll just add my own sound track in the background then.

Oh yeah, where are the saved games stored? I want to put my game and saved games on a flash disk so I can play it in my residential hall computers.


--- Quote from: Nash1992 on February 10, 2011, 07:23:20 pm ---Oh yeah, where are the saved games stored? I want to put my game and saved games on a flash disk so I can play it in my residential hall computers.

--- End quote ---




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