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Newbie question.

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Firstly, I love what you guys have done.  Xcom was and still is an amazing game but you guys have taken it one step beyond that by creating this faithful rendition.  Bravo.

On to my question.  What is the diff between the dmg and the svn version?  I was under the impression that I would be able to download the dmg and unpack it, then play the game from there using the icon provided.  Is this not correct?  Do I have to install something? Compile something?  I was able to play through the last version of ufo:ai v2.2.1 by just using the icon provided in the dmg, and I loved it.  So after I found this awesome new version, 2.3, I would like to go though and play the game again with all the updates and improvements.  But when I start the game using the icon in the new dmg.  The game runs very erratically, no music or sound, seriously sluggish frame-rate, constant crashes during battle-scenes and after loading battle-scenes, as well as my characters in battles scenes loading sometimes with foliage stuck to their bodies, hahaha!!  Am I missing something?  I don't know too much about game dev but I do work in VFX for film & tv so I can appreciate all the hard work that you guys have put in to this.  So if there is a proper way to get the new version of ufo:ai working smoothly I'd like to hear it.  Cause I love this game.

crashes during battle means what? crash to desktop? crash to ufo menu?

maybe the sdl_mixer issue with libogg is not yet fixed. though i thought it was...

I should have been more descriptive.  It crashes to the desktop.  I'm running a 2009 intel-macbook pro that's maxed out, if that helps.  Thanks.

I'm also trying to play the 2.3 release. I simply downloaded the stable version direct from the mac link on this wesite, and I cannot load any battles at all. I can run the game, but I currently don't get any text in the game introduction.. just textfile labels. Also, text labels in all the ingame messages. When I try to enter a mission, the whole game simply crashes with mixed results. last time I tried, the game crashed and sent me back to the OSX user login screen! I was quite suprised.

I'm using a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard.
2.26 GHz intel Core 2 Duo.
2GB Ram.

The previous stable release allowed me to fight in missions. I have yet to do this with 2.3

Okay, so I went ahead and removed the 2.3 download from my machine.  Then I re-downloaded the dmg and unpacked it.  In there I just clicked the UFOAI application and the game started up.  Default rez not full screen can't say exactly what the default is set to.  The opening movie plays and I hear music.  Then the main menu, at this point I hear no sound.  I set my language to English in the Overall Game Settings menu in the options menu, if I do not do this I get no text.  Only place-markers when I start the game.

On to gameplay, I hear no sound during the intro, nor during any part of the gameplay actually.  Twice though when I was in a battle I heard the sound of glass crashing but that was it and it was in the same battle and the second time I heard it I had just blasted a damned alien through a window with my rocket launcher, Hahahaha!!!  But immediately after that I was booted from the battle back out to the geoscape view, with my transport ship hovering above the battle x.  Here I can choose to enter the mission again or do whatever.

My ufoconsole.log shows a lot of these -

2010/06/19 16:34:48 S_LoadSound: Failed loading /opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib: dlopen(/opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib, 2): image not found.
2010/06/19 16:34:48 S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'weapons/medikit'
2010/06/19 16:34:48 S_LoadSound: Failed loading /opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib: dlopen(/opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib, 2): image not found.
2010/06/19 16:34:48 S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'misc/klonk03'
2010/06/19 16:34:48 S_LoadSound: Failed loading /opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib: dlopen(/opt/local/lib/libvorbisfile.dylib, 2): image not found.
2010/06/19 16:34:48 S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'misc/klonk01'

A lot of those.

So that's sound, onto the crashes I mentioned originally.  Desktop crashes.

I must leave the game in the default startup rez, full-screen will crash to desktop.
I'll post a screen cap of my vid settings. (The upload folder is full.) wah-wah!
These settings seem to run the game fairly smoothly on my machine, fairly.  Other than no sound and occasional bumps out of battles into geoscape view.  I get no crashes to the desktop.  I'm puzzled though because I'm running a 2.93ghz intel_2_duo macbookpro with 8gigs of ram and snow leopard installed but I am unable to use any of the advanced shaders or lighting effects.  

with GLSL shaders and Realtime Lighting switched on, the game will crash to desktop guaranteed.

So this is a huge post so I'll wrap it up.
Hope this helps.


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