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Open Source Game Competition

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Hmmm. I don't know if it's because it's the new wordpress, but I don't have any plugins installed, let alone an actual directory to look at them. I took a screenshot of my menu bar and even did some forum trolling to find out what, precisely, is going on. Could it be that it's integrated into the new wordpress?

Looking foolish,

To disable the previews there is a little link on the window that pops up that allows you to get rid of them. After doing some strenuous google-work I found this to be the only solution, since I currently have no plugins.

But! On an even more helpful note...

We've collected 40 nominations so far. The voting starts toward the end of the week, so I'll keep you posted about when you should run over and click the UFO: ALIEN INVASION button to get your game to the top.

Thanks for the help with wordpress ^^

Hmm, could be integrated into the theme, not sure. Let us know about the voting!


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