Technical support > Linux

make maps Freeze


Hello, I am building for the first time and am encountering the following:
(I am running Ubuntu v10.04 64-Bit, ufoai v2.3 and used the command "make -j 3 maps")

During the 'make maps' step when compiling the below map- 'maps/'
...bsp: 'maps/fighter_crash.bsp'
it has been on the step-
FACELIGHTS: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...|
overnight and I have a sneaking suspicion that it may be frozen.

If I break out of the compile can I use some kind of verification cleanup parameter to erase the bad map and a resume to compile where I left off?
If there is, I would certainly need instructions on how to execute them.  I have a general understanding of Unix.

...Thank you in advance for any help


--- Code: ---rm base/maps/fighter_crash.bsp
make maps

--- End code ---

that's all that should be needed.

Insane! It started right from where it left off.

Thank you very much, I have played X-COM since Windows 3.1 and sure look forward to this remake.


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