basically what is being said here is that for, say, in the case of a 12 tu rf shot (according to the current wiki), the alien must run around in the line of sight of the soldier for 13..14 tu, which is like taking 4..7 steps.
if the alien shoots then it would look a bit better, because shooting would take more time units than moving.
but, if the alien's shot only took, say, 9 tu, then the alien would have 3 tu to jump back to cover without any risk of getting harmed by reaction fire even if your soldier could take the shot and live.
and this is because the soldier that was on reaction fire was waiting for the recoil tu before pulling the trigger.
i think it sounds like a suggestion that might not add too much work and would help with the situation:
every tu spent by soldier B, except for tu spent on shooting that involves recoil, counts double (or maybe triple) for triggering rf of soldier problem with 13 / 2 = 6.5 because we do not divide : )
if it counts double, the effect would be as if pulling the trigger was exactly halfway between the time units that the shot takes.
if triple, then 1 / 3 of the tu of the shot would count for targeting before pulling the trigger and rest would be for recoil.
the reason for that uniform 1 / 2 or uniform 1 / 3 would be that both aiming and recoil of a heavier weapon might take more tu (which is, of course, a simplification).
I think the TUs of the victim shouldn't even be a factor, what im gonna propose is basically your soldier goes into RF mode and readies his gun looking down the sights.[...]
that would certainly be playable, you could take your hardest shot from your most heavy cannon.
except that, afaik, the evil devs want to motivate players to use as low tu shots for reaction fire as possible.
actually, i think the sight range reduction would be nice.
or maybe some tu added for turning in the direction of the alien.
as for the interrupt system that would let you choose between, say, a pistol and a stun rod, i do not remember anyone being too much enthusiastic about it in the past.